Durham College @ 安省

Durham College重點


文憑 (中學後), 證書 (學位後), 學位, 大學轉學課程 (University Transfer Program)




Toronto 多倫多


兩校園: Oshawa 奧沙華, Whitby 惠特比 (距離多倫多40 分鐘車程)



Durham College課程銜接哪些大學大三、大四?

Durham College Diploma課程可以銜接以下加拿大大學,以下資料以大學英文字母順序排列

加拿大Diploma (2年)

Durham College以下*為持牌專業,都屬於加拿大留學移民熱門課程之一,同學會夠分透過OINP省提名成為加拿大PR,然後再以公民學費完成餘下2年加拿大大學,學位成本比直接考英國大學、澳洲大學或者加拿大大學都平50-60%,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用

由於要申請省提民PNP一般要求有工作,可以瞭解Durham College畢業生6個月內找到相關工作比例跟其他Ontario學院比較:加拿大College排名


  1. Accounting – Business
  2. Advertising & Promotion
  3. Automotive Technician – Service and Management (Motive Power Technician) 有帶薪實習*
  4. Behavioural Science Technician
  5. Broadcasting – Radio and Contemporary Media
  6. Carpentry Building Construction Technician (有帶薪實習)*
  7. Carpentry and Renovation Technician (有帶薪實習)*
  8. Civil Engineering Technician (有帶薪實習)*
  9. Chemical Laboratory Technician*
  10. Computer Programming
  11. Computer Systems Technician*
  12. Cosmetic Techniques and Management
  13. Culinary Management
  14. Developmental Services Worker
  15. Early Childhood Education
  16. Electrical Engineering Technician*
  17. Electronics Engineering Technician*
  18. Entrepreneurship and Small Business – Business
  19. Esthetician – Spa Management
  20. Event Planning 有帶薪實習
  21. Finance – Business
  22. Fitness and Health Promotion
  23. Horticulture – Food and Farming
  24. Horticulture Technician
  25. Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Operations Management (有帶薪實習)
  26. Human Resources – Business
  27. Interactive Media Design
  28. Journalism – Mass Media/Journalism
  29. Marketing – Business
  30. Mechanical Engineering Technician*
  31. Mechanical Engineering Technician – Non-Destructive Evaluation*
  32. Mechanical Technician – Elevating Devices (有帶薪實習)*
  33. Mechanical Technician – Millwright (有帶薪實習)*
  34. Music Business Administration
  35. Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant (有1年Pre-Health, 適合M1、化學及生物成績稍遜的申請人)
  36. Office Administration – Executive
  37. Office Administration – Health Services
  38. Paralegal
  39. Photography
  40. Police Foundations
  41. Practical Nursing (有1年Pre-Health, 適合M1、化學及生物成績稍遜的申請人)*
  42. Protection, Security and Investigation
  43. Recreation and Leisure Services
  44. Recreation Therapy
  45. Social Service Worker
  46. Sport Administration
  47. Supply Chain and Operations – Business
  48. Tourism – Destination Marketing (有帶薪實習)
  49. Video Production
  50. Web Development
  51. Welding Engineering Technician (有帶薪實習)*



沒有*的科目,其實,3年Diploma於聯邦政府特快移民通道Express Entry (EE)的得分跟學位一樣,只需1年工作經驗,可以透過EE申請加拿大PR,有加拿大PR,再以公民學費完成餘下2年加拿大大學,學位成本比直接考英國大學、澳洲大學或者加拿大大學都平50-60%,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用

要透過OINP省提名或者Express Entry (EE)申請到加拿大PR,申請人需要工作,看看Durham College畢業生6個月內找到相關工作的比例跟其他安省學院如何比較?加拿大College排名

  1. Accounting – Business Administration (有帶薪實習)
  2. Animation – Digital Production
  3. Architectural Technology*
  4. Biomedical Engineering Technology*
  5. Biotechnology (此課程有1年版本,適合過去5年,讀過最少2科大學或者College化學的申請人)
  6. Chemical Engineering Technology*
  7. Civil Engineering Technology (有帶薪實習)*
  8. Computer Programming and Analysis (有帶薪實習)
  9. Computer Systems Technology (有帶薪實習)*
  10. Electromechanical Engineering Technology (有帶薪實習)*
  11. Electronics Engineering Technology*
  12. Environmental Technology (有帶薪實習) 此課程有1年版本,適合過去5年,讀過最少2科大學或者College化學的申請人*
  13. Finance – Business Administration (有帶薪實習)
  14. Fine Arts – Advanced
  15. Game – Art
  16. Graphic Design
  17. Human Resources – Business Administration (有帶薪實習)
  18. Law Clerk Advanced (有帶薪實習)
  19. Marketing – Business Administration (有帶薪實習)
  20. Massage Therapy
  21. Mechanical Engineering Technology (有帶薪實習)*
  22. Music Business Management
  23. PR and Strategic Communications
  24. Supply Chain & Operations Management – Business Administration (有帶薪實習)
  25. Sports Management


Durham College學位學費比加拿大大學、英國大學、澳洲大學平50%左右,詳情:加拿大留學費用。畢業後工作一年,可以透過聯邦政府的Express Entry (EE)特快移民通道及OINP省提名,申請加拿大PR

Durham College以下有橫線的學位學費平之外,這些都是最賺錢的加拿大大學課程,2者加起來就是性價比!去加拿大College讀這些,成績要求及截止申請日子會比加拿大大學彈性,詳情:加拿大大學 vs 加拿大College。重點是加拿大College學位是沒有Academic writing、social science等沒太多直接關係的科目,所以,加拿大College學位都包括實習,不需要額外多讀半年!


  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Behavioural Science
  3. Community Mental Health
  4. Construction Management (測量)

Postgraduate Certificate

2個1年的 Postgraduate Certificate可以有3年PGWP工簽及OINP省提名加分

  1. Addictions and Mental Health
  2. Advanced Law Enforcement and Investigations
  3. Advertising – Digital Media Management
  4. Artificial Intelligence Analysis, Design and Implementation
  5. Autism and Behavioural Sciences
  6. Cloud Computing
  7. Communicative Disorders Assistant
  8. Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  9. Cybersecurity
  10. Data Analytics for Business Decision Making
  11. Environment Health and Safety Mgt
  12. Esport Business Management
  13. Human Resources Management
  14. International Business Management
  15. Internet of Things (IoT)
  16. Paralegal
  17. Pharmaceutical Science
  18. Project Management
  19. Sport Business Management
  20. Supply Chain Management – Global
  21. Victim Justice and Interventions

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