Algonquin College @ 安省

Algonquin College重點


文憑 (中學後), 證書 (學位後), 學位, 大學轉學課程 (University Transfer Program)




Ottawa 渥太華


三個校園距離渥太華 : Ottawa 渥太華(10分鐘), Pembroke 彭布羅克(90分鐘), Perth 珀斯(60分鐘)



Algonquin College課程銜接什麼大學大三、大四?


加拿大Diploma (3年)


沒有*的科目,其實,3年Diploma於聯邦政府特快移民通道Express Entry (EE)的得分跟學位一樣,只需1年工作經驗,可以透過EE申請加拿大PR,有加拿大PR,再以公民學費完成餘下2年加拿大大學,學位成本比直接考英國大學、澳洲大學或者加拿大大學都平50-60%,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用

要透過OINP省提名或者Express Entry (EE)申請到加拿大PR,申請人需要工作,看看Algonquin College畢業生6個月內找到相關工作的比例跟其他安省學院如何比較?加拿大College排名

  1. Advertising & Marketing Communications Management
  2. Animation
  3. Applied Museum Studies
  4. Architectural Technology 有帶薪實習*
  5. Biotechnology 有帶薪實習*
  6. Business Administration
  7. Child and Youth Care
  8. Civil Engineering Technology 有帶薪實習*
  9. Computer Engineering Tech-Computing Sci 有帶薪實習*
  10. Computer programming and analysis 有帶薪實習
  11. Computer Systems Technology-Security*
  12. Dental Hygiene*
  13. Electrical Engineering Technology 有帶薪實習*
  14. Game-Development
  15. Graphic Design
  16. Human Resources
  17. Massage Therapy
  18. Mechanical Engineering Technology 有帶薪實習*
  19. Medical Radiation Technology
  20. Respiratory Therapy

加拿大Diploma (2年)

Algonquin College以下有*Diploma為持牌專業,都屬於加拿大留學移民熱門課程之一,同學會夠分透過OINP省提名成為加拿大PR,然後再以公民學費完成餘下2年加拿大大學,學位成本比直接考英國大學、澳洲大學或者加拿大大學都平50-60%,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用

由於申請省提名PNP一般需要有工作,可以看一下Algonquin College畢業生6個月內找到相關工作比例跟其他Ontario學院比較:加拿大College排名


  1. Aircraft Maintenance Technician*
  2. Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety 有帶薪實習*
  3. Architectural Technician 有帶薪實習*
  4. Baking and Pastry Arts Management
  5. Broadcasting - Radio and Podcasting
  6. Broadcasting - Television and Streaming Video
  7. Building Construction Technician*
  8. Business 有帶薪實習
  9. Business - Accounting
  10. Business - Agriculture 有帶薪實習
  11. Business - Management and Entrepreneurship 有帶薪實習
  12. Business - Marketing 有帶薪實習
  13. Cabinetmaking and Furniture Technician
  14. Cardiovascular Technology
  15. Community and Justice Services
  16. Computer Programming 有帶薪實習
  17. Computer Systems Technician 有帶薪實習*
  18. Construction Engineering Technician 有帶薪實習*
  19. Culinary Management
  20. Developmental Services Worker
  21. Early Childhood Education 此課程有2個1年版本,1個1年版本是需要有相關學歷及150小時工作經驗,另一個版本就沒有特定要求*
  22. Electrical Engineering Technician 有帶薪實習*
  23. Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technician 有帶薪實習*
  24. Environmental Technician 有帶薪實習*
  25. Esthetician
  26. Film and Media Production
  27. Fitness and Health Promotion
  28. Forestry Technician*
  29. General Arts and Science - Aviation Management
  30. General Arts and Science
  31. Hairstyling
  32. Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician*
  33. Heritage Carpentry and Joinery
  34. Horticultural Industries 有帶薪實習
  35. Hospitality - Hotel and Restaurant Operations Management
  36. Illustration and Concept Art
  37. Interactive Media Design 有帶薪實習
  38. Interior Decorating
  39. Journalism
  40. Law Clerk 此課程有1年版本,適合已經持有相關Diploma或學位的同學,唯1年課程就1年PGWP工簽
  41. Library and Information Technician
  42. Manufacturing Engineering Technician*
  43. Mobile Application Design and Development
  44. Motive Power Technician - Diesel Equipment and Truck*
  45. Motive Power Technician*
  46. Music Industry Arts
  47. Occupational Therapist Assistant / Physiotherapist Assistant
  48. Office Administration - Executive 有帶薪實習
  49. Office Administration - Health Services
  50. Office Administration - Legal
  51. Outdoor Adventure
  52. Outdoor Adventure Naturalist 1年Diploma有帶薪實習
  53. Paramedic
  54. Photography
  55. Police Foundations
  56. Powerline Technician 有帶薪實習*
  57. Practical Nurse*
  58. Practical Nurse Intensive 適合已經完成1年Pre health, 此課程只需1年*
  59. Practical Nursing- Foreign Trained Nurse*
  60. Professional Writing
  61. Public Relations
  62. Recreation and Leisure Services
  63. Social Service Worker 此課程有1年版本,適合已經持有相關Diploma或學位的同學,唯1年課程就1年PGWP工簽
  64. Tourism - Travel Services
  65. Veterinary Technician*
  66. Water and Wastewater Technician*
  67. Web Development 有帶薪實習


Algonquin College學位學費比加拿大大學平一半,有興趣加拿大讀書移民,可以工作1年後,透過聯邦政府的Express Entry特快移民通道及省提名OINP,申請加拿大PR,以下學位成本比加拿大大學、英國大學、澳洲大學平50%左右,詳情:加拿大留學費用

Algonquin College電腦工程商科護士學位學費平之外,這些都是最賺錢的加拿大大學課程,2者加起來就是性價比!去加拿大College讀這些,成績要求及截止申請日子會比加拿大大學彈性,詳情:加拿大大學 vs 加拿大College。重點是加拿大College學位是沒有Academic writing、social science選修科等沒太多直接關係的科目,所以,加拿大College學位都包括實習,不需要額外多讀半年!


  1. Automation and Robotics, 有帶薪實習
  2. Building Science, 有帶薪實習
  3. Business Systems Development, 有帶薪實習
  4. Culinary Arts and Food Science有帶薪實習
  5. Digital Health,有帶薪實習
  6. Digital Marketing Communication有帶薪實習
  7. Early Learning and Community Development
  8. Event, Sport, and Entertainment Management,有帶薪實習
  9. Hospitality and Tourism Management,有帶薪實習
  10. Human Resources Management 有帶薪實習
  11. Information Resource Management, 有帶薪實習
  12. Interactive Multimedia and Design, 有帶薪實習
  13. Interior Design, 有帶薪實習
  14. Marketing有帶薪實習
  15. Network Technology, 有帶薪實習
  16. Optical Systems and Sensors, 有帶薪實習
  17. Nursing
  18. Public Safety, 有帶薪實習
  19. Supply Chain Management 有帶薪實習

Postgraduate Certificate

2個1年的postgraduate certificate可以有3年PGWP工簽及OINP省提名加分

  1. Accounting and Financial Practice
  2. Advanced Care Paramedic
  3. Artificial Intelligence Software Development (有帶薪實習)
  4. Brand Management
  5. Building Automation System Operations
  6. Building Information Modeling - Lifecycle Management
  7. Building Information Modeling - Lifecycle Management Canadian Context
  8. Business Development and Sales
  9. Business Intelligence System Infrastructure
  10. Cloud Development and Operations (有帶薪實習)
  11. Cyber Security Analysis (有帶薪實習)
  12. Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography (2 years)
  13. Diagnostic Medical Sonography (2 years)
  14. Digital Health (42 weeks)
  15. Energy Management(有帶薪實習)
  16. Environmental Management and Assessment
  17. Event Management
  18. Financial Services
  19. Food and Nutrition Management
  20. Geographic Information Systems
  21. Green Architecture
  22. Human Resources Management
  23. Interactive Media Management
  24. Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design
  25. International Business Management
  26. Marketing Management
  27. Marketing Research and Analysis (有帶薪實習)
  28. Paralegal (42 weeks)
  29. Project Management (有帶薪實習)
  30. Regulatory Affairs - Sciences (有帶薪實習)
  31. Retirement Communities Mgt
  32. Scriptwriting
  33. Sport Business Management (42 weeks)
  34. Strategic Global Business Management
  35. Supply Chain Management - Global (有帶薪實習)
  36. Teachers of English as a Second/Foreign Language
  37. Technical Writer (有帶薪實習)
  38. Therapeutic Recreation
  39. Victimology
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