Ontario Tech University@ 安省
學位, 碩士
Toronto 多倫多,Ontario
距離 Toronto 多倫多市中心大約 50分鐘分鐘車程
Ontario Tech University 學術亮點
- Ontario Tech University 學生畢業後 6個月年内的就業率為88%,72%在其學習領域相關的行業工作
- Ontario Tech University 畢業生平均年薪為50,000或以上
- Ontario Tech University 知名度高,獲得多項殊榮。加拿大排名第8的大學,Ontario 排名第三的大學;排名第20的Best Global Universities 。
- 畢業生競爭力高,獲得多間國際知名公司聘用。例如:Amazon、Bruce Power、Canadian Nuclear Laboratories、Tesla、IBM、Meta及Google等。
- Ontario 各項專業均有提供實踐學習的機會,其中包括:獨立研究機會、帶薪實習、創業實習項目等,部分院校參加體驗式學習的學生達 100%,確保每位學生在畢業前能在相應的研究領域累積經驗,提高求職競爭優勢。
- 為國際生提供 40個獎學金名額,根據平均入學成績最高的40名國際生將會獲得 10,000 加幣。
- OINP 會按院校地區加分,Ontario Tech University 唯一有分加又位於 Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 的大學
- 設有不同類型的學位課程可直接由書院轉學至大學,學費及入學要求也較低。
Ontario Tech University 商科
- Ontario 商科提供獨特的學習經驗,當中包括參與 Capstone 的體驗學習,學生有機會為一所機構或企業進行全面的分析,並且向他們提供改善公司表現的建議及協助其解決公司現時面臨的危機及挑戰,讓學生累積更多實戰的經驗。
- 商科課程得到多項認證,包括:Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) 及 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designations
- 商學院每年舉辦超過 80項比賽、嘉賓主講及拓展個人人際網絡等活動
- 超過 350所公司提供實習及 Capstone 體驗學習予學生,配合不同學生的需求及興趣。
- SAP University Alliance program: 向學生提供學習現時最常使用的商業工具的課程,完成課程的學生會獲得相關的證書,協助學生建立更完善的 Resume。
Ontario Tech University Health Sciences & Medicine
- Ontario Tech University 為 Ontario 排名第 4的 Health Sciences & Medicine 課程
- 提供 Medical School Pathway 及 Veterinary School Pathway 讓有興趣成爲醫生及獸醫的學生選擇
- Medical lab science 畢業生可以參加 Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)考試,成為持牌醫療化驗師,回港執業無需額外考試
Medical School Pathway
- 從 Chemical Biology 、 Integrative Neuroscience、 Health Sciences 、Life Sciences、 Human Health Science 或 Public Health畢業,並獲得 GPA 不低於 75%的學生將有資格獲得 Saba University School of Medicine, Medical University of the Americas 或 St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine的取錄
Veterinary School Pathway
- 從Chemical Biology 、 Integrative Neuroscience、 Health Sciences 、Life Sciences、 Human Health Science或Public Health畢業,並獲得GPA不低於75%的學生將有資格獲得St. Matthew’s University School of Veterinary Medicine取錄
Ontario Tech University 教育
- Ontario Tech 提供排名第一的 Micro-credential in math and coding 及 Mental Health First Aid certificate 等課程
- 94% 學生在畢業個月後獲得聘用
- 提供 16個月的 Bachelor of Education 課程,讓學生可以提早4個月畢業以增加學生在職場上的競爭力及獲得聘用的機會。
- 教育課程提供獨特的學習機會予學生,當中包括 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Training 及 Indigenous Education conference等,讓學生獲得更多教學相關的寶貴經驗及知識
Ontario Tech University 學位主修
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Accounting
- Commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Information Technology – Game Development and Interactive Media
- Information Technology – Networking and Information Technology Security
- Marketing
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management
- Technology Management (Bachelor of Commerce)
- Technology Management (Bachelor of Information Technology)
Faculty of Education
- Concurrent Education
- Education, Consecutive, Intermediate/Senior
- Education, Consecutive, Primary/ Junior
- Educational Studies – Adult Learning with Technology
- Education Studies - Digital Technologies
- Educational Studies - Early Childhood Studies
- Educational Studies - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Educational Studies – General
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Automotive Engineering
- Bruce Power Women in Nuclear Engineering Co-op Program
- Comprehensive Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Health Physics and Radiation Science
- Industrial Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Software Engineering
Faculty of Health Science
- Health Administration
- Health Science
- Human Health Science
- Kinesiology
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Laboratory Science – Northern Access Initiative
- Nursing- Collaborative
- Public Health
Faculty of Science
- Applied Biotechnology
- Astrophysics
- Biological Science
- Biomedical Science
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Digital Media
- Environmental Biology
- Forensic Science
- Integrated Mathematics and Computer Science
- Marine Biology
- Mathematics for Science and Industry
- Nanotechnology and Clean Energy
- Neuroscience
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Physics
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
- Business and Society
- Communication and Digital Media Studies
- Creativity, Digital Arts and Entertainment Industries
- Criminology and Justice
- Forensic Psychology
- Global Studies
- Legal Studies
- Liberal Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology (Bachelor of Arts)
- Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
- Public Policy – (Undergraduate Diploma)
- Strategic Communications, Social Media and Society
Ontario Tech University 碩士課程
Ontario Tech University 碩士 Master 亮點:
- 1年-16個月碩士:有興趣讀書移民,可參考:OINP Master Graduate Stream
- Automative Engineering學費成本等於您到College讀2年Diploma!生活成本平一半,因為只是1年Master
- 無需 GRE 或 GMAT,GPA要求70%,3周有申請結果,節奏及要求正常!這對於加拿大碩士申請不是理所當然的,因為加拿大碩士收生各院校、各學系持份者甚多,不同院校操作不盡相同。
- 想知道邊個加拿大Master讀完人工升幅最多?及加拿大Master學費邊科最貴?
- Automotive Engineering (MEng only) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Business Analytics and AI (MBAI) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Education (MEd) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (Master program) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Engineering Management (MEngM) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Financial Data Analytics (MFDA) (12-16 months/ GRE, GMAT level 1 may be recommended)
- Information Technology Security (MITS) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Mechanical Engineering (MEng only) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Nuclear Engineering (MEng only) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)
- Software Engineering (MEng only) (12-16 months/ No GRE or GMAT)