Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) @ 安省
Toronto Metropolitan University重點
Toronto 多倫多
Toronto 多倫多市中心
Toronto Metropolitan University學位
- 有連結科目為最賺錢的加拿大大學課程
- 加拿大大學排名
- 加拿大大學學費:了解加拿大大學學費排名
- Accounting & Finance
- Aerospace Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Architectural Science
- Arts and Contemporary Studies
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Biomedical Sciences
- Business Management
- Business Technology Management
- Chemical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期, 此課程需要5年,必須完成帶薪實習)
- Chemistry
- Child and Youth Care#
- Civil Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Computer Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Computer Science
- Creative Industries#
- Criminology
- Criminology and History
- Criminology and Politics and Governance
- Criminology and Sociology
- Disability Studies
- Early Childhood Studies#
- Electrical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- English^
- English and History
- English and Philosophy
- Environment and Urban Sustainability
- Fashion#
- Financial Mathematics
- Geographic Analysis#
- Graphic Communications Management#
- Health Administration
- History
- History and Criminology
- History and English
- History and Philosophy
- History and Politics and Governance
- History and Sociology
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Image Arts: Film Studies
- Image Arts: Photography Studies
- Industrial Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Interior Design#
- International Economics and Finance#
- Journalism#
- Language and Intercultural Relations
- Mathematics and its Applications
- Mechanical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Mechatronics Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
- Medical Physics
- Nursing (BScN) > Four-Year Collaborative Program#
- Nursing (BScN) > Post Diploma#
- Nutrition and Food
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Performance: Acting
- Performance: Dance
- Performance: Production
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and History
- Philosophy and English
- Politics and Governance
- Politics and Governance and Criminology
- Politics and Governance and History
- Politics and Governance and Sociology
- Professional Communication#
- Professional Music#
- Psychology
- Public Administration and Governance
- Public Health
- Retail Management
- RTA School of Media: Media Production#
- RTA School of Media: New Media#
- RTA School of Media: Sport Media#
- Social Work#
- Sociology
- Sociology and Criminology
- Sociology and History
- Sociology and Politics and Governance
- Urban and Regional Planning
Toronto Metropolitan University要求
- 工程:M2、化學、物理
- 電腦:M2、生物、物理或化學
- 商學院:Accounting & Finance, Business Management, Business Technology Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Retail Management: M2
- Architectural Science:M2、物理
- Biomedical Science、Biology, Chemistry, Medical Physics, Undeclared [first-year studies only]:M2+其中2科:生物、物理、化學
- Early Childhood Studies:M1或生物、化學或物理,如果無這些選修科目,同學可以透過完成省內社區學院2年Diploma,銜接TMU Early Childhood Year 3&4,學費省20%,歡迎了解加拿大讀書移民費用
- Financial Mathematics, Mathematics and its Applications:M2、物理、生物或化學International Economics and Finance:M2
- Nursing:生物、化學、M1
- Nutrition and Food:生物、化學
- Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health:生物或化學
- 2月中截止,最遲4月中需要提交英語成績
通常申請加拿大大學最大障礙:中學選修科、成績、IELTS或過了截止日期。Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)有2個選擇針對這4方面。
- Toronto Metropolitan University是少數加拿大大學讓您一邊英語輔導、一邊兼修1科大學學分,唯同學IELTS 6.0起,才可以兼修學分,如果同學可以暑假補讀3科學分,不會延遲畢業
方案二:TMUIC UTP Stage 1 Foundation或者UTP Stage 2針對中五、中六
中五同學讀一年UTP Stage 1(Foundation),可以銜接UTP Stage 2(Toronto Metropolitan University大一)
中六同學以彈性的DSE選修科及分數,直接入UTP Stage 2,即是等於Toronto Metropolitan University大一,完成直接升讀以下TMU大二
- Arts
- Business Management
- Creative Industries
- Hospitality & Tourism Management
- International Economics & Finance
- Professional Communication
TMUIC方案要求IELTS 5.0,都不會延遲畢業,低於門檻需要額外讀英語輔導。
TMUIC方案最大賣點:如果IELTS 5,只能透過其課程才可以兼修英語及學分,否則Toronto Metropolitan University的英語輔導@IELTS 5.5,只能讀一學期的英語輔導,若果IELTS 5,更要讀一學年英語輔導!