Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) @ 安省

Toronto Metropolitan University重點






Toronto 多倫多


Toronto 多倫多市中心





Toronto Metropolitan University學位



  1. Accounting & Finance
  2. Aerospace Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  3. Architectural Science
  4. Arts and Contemporary Studies
  5. Biology
  6. Biomedical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  7. Biomedical Sciences
  8. Business Management
  9. Business Technology Management
  10. Chemical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期, 此課程需要5年,必須完成帶薪實習)
  11. Chemistry
  12. Child and Youth Care#
  13. Civil Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  14. Computer Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  15. Computer Science
  16. Creative Industries#
  17. Criminology
  18. Criminology and History
  19. Criminology and Politics and Governance
  20. Criminology and Sociology
  21. Disability Studies
  22. Early Childhood Studies#
  23. Electrical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  24. English^
  25. English and History
  26. English and Philosophy
  27. Environment and Urban Sustainability
  28. Fashion#
  29. Financial Mathematics
  30. Geographic Analysis#
  31. Graphic Communications Management#
  32. Health Administration
  33. History
  34. History and Criminology
  35. History and English
  36. History and Philosophy
  37. History and Politics and Governance
  38. History and Sociology
  39. Hospitality and Tourism Management
  40. Image Arts: Film Studies
  41. Image Arts: Photography Studies
  42. Industrial Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  43. Interior Design#
  44. International Economics and Finance#
  45. Journalism#
  46. Language and Intercultural Relations
  47. Mathematics and its Applications
  48. Mechanical Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  49. Mechatronics Engineering (TMU有Undeclared Engineering,讓持有M2、物理及化學,但成績稍遜的同學,有機會讀完一學期轉到工程學院讀大一下學期)
  50. Medical Physics
  51. Nursing (BScN) > Four-Year Collaborative Program#
  52. Nursing (BScN) > Post Diploma#
  53. Nutrition and Food
  54. Occupational Health and Safety
  55. Performance: Acting
  56. Performance: Dance
  57. Performance: Production
  58. Philosophy
  59. Philosophy and History
  60. Philosophy and English
  61. Politics and Governance
  62. Politics and Governance and Criminology
  63. Politics and Governance and History
  64. Politics and Governance and Sociology
  65. Professional Communication#
  66. Professional Music#
  67. Psychology
  68. Public Administration and Governance
  69. Public Health
  70. Retail Management
  71. RTA School of Media: Media Production#
  72. RTA School of Media: New Media#
  73. RTA School of Media: Sport Media#
  74. Social Work#
  75. Sociology
  76. Sociology and Criminology
  77. Sociology and History
  78. Sociology and Politics and Governance
  79. Urban and Regional Planning

Toronto Metropolitan University要求


  • 工程:M2、化學、物理
  • 電腦:M2、生物、物理或化學
  • 商學院:Accounting & Finance, Business Management, Business Technology Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Retail Management: M2
  • Architectural Science:M2、物理
  • Biomedical Science、Biology, Chemistry, Medical Physics, Undeclared [first-year studies only]:M2+其中2科:生物、物理、化學
  • Early Childhood Studies:M1或生物、化學或物理,如果無這些選修科目,同學可以透過完成省內社區學院2年Diploma,銜接TMU Early Childhood Year 3&4,學費省20%,歡迎了解加拿大讀書移民費用
  • Financial Mathematics, Mathematics and its Applications:M2、物理、生物或化學International Economics and Finance:M2
  • Nursing:生物、化學、M1
  • Nutrition and Food:生物、化學
  • Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health:生物或化學


  • 2月中截止,最遲4月中需要提交英語成績



通常申請加拿大大學最大障礙:中學選修科、成績、IELTS或過了截止日期。Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)有2個選擇針對這4方面。


  • Toronto Metropolitan University是少數加拿大大學讓您一邊英語輔導、一邊兼修1科大學學分,唯同學IELTS 6.0起,才可以兼修學分,如果同學可以暑假補讀3科學分,不會延遲畢業

方案二:TMUIC UTP Stage 1 Foundation或者UTP Stage 2針對中五、中六

中五同學讀一年UTP Stage 1(Foundation),可以銜接UTP Stage 2(Toronto Metropolitan University大一)


中六同學以彈性的DSE選修科及分數,直接入UTP Stage 2,即是等於Toronto Metropolitan University大一,完成直接升讀以下TMU大二

  • Arts
  • Business Management
  • Creative Industries
  • Hospitality & Tourism Management
  • International Economics & Finance
  • Professional Communication

TMUIC方案要求IELTS 5.0,都不會延遲畢業,低於門檻需要額外讀英語輔導。

TMUIC方案最大賣點:如果IELTS 5,只能透過其課程才可以兼修英語及學分,否則Toronto Metropolitan University的英語輔導@IELTS 5.5,只能讀一學期的英語輔導,若果IELTS 5,更要讀一學年英語輔導!

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