TMUIC (Toronto Metropolitan University International College)@ 安省
Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC)重點
1年大學預科 Foundation, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
Toronto 多倫多
Toronto 多倫多市中心
Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC)課程
TMUIC為加拿大大學 Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)附屬學院,TMUIC學生住及上課都在Toronto Metropolitan University裡面
TMUIC收生對象為中五或中六學生,為他們提名UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)及UTP Stage 2 (即等於大學Year 1課程)。
1. UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)有8科,選科按您想讀的UTP Stage 2主修,完成升讀相等於大學Year 1的UTP Stage 2,所以,中五去TMUIC UTP Stage 1比起香港DSE會快一年畢業
2. UTP Stage 2 (等於Toronto Metropolitan University Year 1課程)有以下Pathway及升班要求
- Arts UTP Stage 2達GPA 2.67-3.3(4.33滿分),升讀 Toronto Metropolitan University以下主修 Year 2:
- Environment and Urban Sustainability;
- Philosophy;
- Politics and Governance;
- Psychology;
- Sociology
- Business UTP Stage 2達GPA 2.8(4.33滿分),升讀 Toronto Metropolitan University以下主修 Year 2:
- Economics & Management Science;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Global Management Studies;
- Human Resources Management;
- Law and Business;
- Marketing & Management;
- Real Estate Management
- Creative Industries UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.8(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University Creative Industries year 2
- Hospitality & Tourism UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.67(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University Hospitality & Tourism year 2
- International Economics & Finance UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.67(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University International Economics & Finance year 2
- Language & Intercultural Relations UTP Stage 2 GPA 1.67(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University Language & Intercultural Relations year 2
- Professional Communications UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.8(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University Professional Communications year 2
- Engineering UTP Stage 2 GPA 2(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University 以下工程主修year 2:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering因為有強制帶薪實習,需時5年
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Science UTP Stage 2 GPA 2(4.33滿分),升讀Toronto Metropolitan University 以下主修year 2:
- Biology
- Biomedical Science
- Chemistry
- Financial Math
- Math & Applications
- Medical Physics
UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)要求:
- 中五4科合格+5%,舉例:40分合格,4科平均分44分
- 中六2科合格或IB 18分
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program)要求:
- IB 22
- DSE 4科10分
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) International Economics & Finance要求:
- IB 22,數學 5分,不要Math Studies
- DSE 4科10分,M2 level 4,有需要,TMUIC可以於第一學期配數學補習班
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Medical Physics要求:
- 2科理科最少合格+M2要Level 3
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) Financial Math; Math & Applications要求:
- M2要Level 3 + 1科理科最少合格及3科7分
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) Engineering要求:
- 數學、物理Level 3 + 化學要合格及4科平均Level 3
- Toronto Metropolitan University及TMUIC各主修要求的中學選修科雖然一樣,但TMUIC分數要求比TMU輕鬆多!
- 另外,就算您欠選修科或分數入TMUIC商科或理工科主修UTP Stage 2,TMUIC有4個月Foundation或保底班,幫您入學。
- Toronto Metropolitan University 的IELTS 6.5; Duolingo 120; TOEFL 83起;但TMUIC IELTS 5; Duolingo 85; TOEFL60
- Toronto Metropolitan University 課程一般2月中截止,4月中需要提供英語成績,但放榜後申請TMUIC都可以9月開學