Wilfrid Laurier University @ 安省

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Toronto 多倫多


距離多倫多市中心 60 分鐘車程






下面有連結主修為最賺錢的加拿大大學課程之一,有興趣可以參考:加拿大讀書移民Express Entry或者OINP省提名要求

歡迎參考Wilfrid Laurier University排名

  1. Ancient Studies (有帶薪實習)
  2. Anthropology
  3. Archaeology & Heritage Studies (有帶薪實習)
  4. Biochemistry & Biotechnology (有帶薪實習)
  5. Biology (有帶薪實習)
  6. Biology & Chemistry
  7. Biology & Psychology
  8. Business Administration
  9. Business and Computer Science (有帶薪實習5年畢業)
  10. Business and Financial Mathematics (有帶薪實習5年畢業)
  11. Business and Mathematics (有帶薪實習5年畢業)
  12. Business Technology Management (有帶薪實習5年畢業)
  13. Chemistry (有帶薪實習)
  14. Chemistry & Mathematics
  15. Chemistry & Physics
  16. Christian Studies and Global Citizenship
  17. Communication Studies (有帶薪實習)
  18. Community Health
  19. Computer Science (有帶薪實習)
  20. Computer Science and Physics
  21. Computer Science and Psychology
  22. Criminology
  23. Cultural Studies
  24. Data Science (有帶薪實習)
  25. Digital Media and Journalism
  26. Economics
  27. Economics & Accounting
  28. Economics and Financial Management
  29. Environmental Science (有帶薪實習)
  30. Environmental Studies (有帶薪實習)
  31. English (有帶薪實習,可以申請5年學位連碩士, 這安排最適合希望加拿大讀書移民,但讀文科及希望到安省的申請人,看:加拿大Master移民)
  32. Film Studies (有帶薪實習)
  33. Financial Mathematics (有帶薪實習)
  34. French (有帶薪實習)
  35. Game Design and Development
  36. Geography (有帶薪實習)
  37. Global Studies (有帶薪實習)
  38. Health Administration
  39. Health Sciences 有帶薪實習
  40. History (有帶薪實習,可以申請5年學位連碩士, 這安排最適合希望加拿大讀書移民,但讀文科及希望到安省的申請人,看:加拿大Master移民)
  41. Honours Science (有帶薪實習)
  42. Human Rights and Human Diversity
  43. Humanities with Leadership Foundations
  44. International Education Studies
  45. Kinesiology (有帶薪實習)
  46. Languages (有帶薪實習)
  47. Law Degree and Arts Degree (6年有Wilfrid Laurier University文學院學位及英國University of Sussex LLB法律學位)
  48. Law Degree and Science Degree (6年有Wilfrid Laurier University理學院學位及英國University of Sussex LLB法律學位)
  49. Law & Society
  50. Mathematics (有帶薪實習)
  51. Medieval and Medievalism Studies
  52. Music
  53. Music – Community Music
  54. Music Therapy
  55. North American Studies
  56. Philosophy (有帶薪實習)
  57. Physics (有帶薪實習)
  58. Policing
  59. Policing & Psychology
  60. Political Science (有帶薪實習,可以申請5年學位連碩士, 這安排最適合希望加拿大讀書移民,但讀文科及希望到安省的申請人,看:加拿大Master移民)
  61. Psychology & Neuroscience (有帶薪實習)
  62. Psychology (有帶薪實習)
  63. Religion & Culture (有帶薪實習)
  64. Social Work
  65. Sociology (有帶薪實習)
  66. Spanish
  67. User Experience Design (有帶薪實習5年畢業)
  68. Water Science & Environmental Health (帶薪實習要5年畢業)
  69. Women & Gender Studies
  70. Youth and Children Studies

Wilfrid Laurier University要求

Wilfrid Laurier University DSE選科及分數要求

另外,直接考Wilfrid Laurier University分數要求Level 4-5,WLIC分數要求比較簡單、中五可以入讀及可以免去以上課程的理科要求(數學要求仍然保留)

Wilfrid Laurier University截止日期

  • Wilfrid Laurier University一月中截止,要英文要求可以DSE考完再安排,WLIC放榜後都可以申請,趕及9月開學

Wilfrid Laurier University英文要求

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