NCUK(Northern Consortium UK)由16間英國大學,於1987年組成,分別為中五、中六、Year 1及英國Master同學提供英國Foundation、 International Year 1、International Year 2、Master英文培訓課程,讓他們符合條件申請北美、澳、紐NCUK夥伴大學Year 1、Year 2或Master,所有,NCUK學生都按分數及選科,保證入讀16間NCUK發起英國大學,詳情如下:
- 英國Foundation:中五或DSE 2211水平的同學,1年NCUK Foundation合格,保證升讀16間NCUK發起英國大學Year 1,下面有NCUK Foundation課程
- International Year 1:中六同學,NCUK International Year 1合格,保證升讀16間NCUK發起英國大學商科、law或工程 Year 2,點擊跳到下面,下面有某些有賣點的NCUK International Year 1
- International Year 2: Year 1同學, 1年NCUK International Year 2商科課程合格,直入Liverpool John Moores University、University of Salford、Sheffield Hallam University商科最後1年。
- Aston University
- University of Bradford
- University of Bristol
- Brunel University London
- Cardiff University
- University of Central Lancashire(UCLAN)
- Durham University
- University of Exeter
- University of Huddersfield
- Keele University
- University of Kent
- Kingston University London
- Lancaster University
- University of Leeds
- Leeds Beckett University
- Liverpool Hope University
- Liverpool John Moores University
- The University of Manchester
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Queen Mary University of London
- Robert Gordon University
- University of Salford
- The University of Sheffield
- Sheffield Hallam University
- The University of Newcastle, Australia
- University of New South Wales
- RMIT University
- University of South Australia
- University of Western Australia
- Swinburne University of Technology
NCUK Foundation課程
- Mathematics for Business
- Mathematics for Engineering
- Mathematics for Science
- Further Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Global Studies
- Society and Politics
- Art and Design
NCUK International Year 1
完成NCUK International Year 1,可以銜接以下英國大學及選科的Year 2,入學要求比直接考以下英國大學選科更簡單,大學自己也沒有開相關銜接課程,值得考慮NCUK
Accounting and Finance
- University of Leeds自己的International Year 1只可以升讀Business Management Year 2
- DSE直接考University of Leeds Accounting and Finance DSE 555 (包括數學)
Electronics and Renewable Energy
- University of Leeds自己沒有開辦銜接工程大二的International Year 1
- University of Leeds Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems DSE 555 (包括數學)
The University of Sheffield: Mechanical Engineering
- University of Sheffield自己沒有開辦銜接工程大二的International Year 1
- University of Sheffield Mechanical Engineering DSE 555 (包括數學、化學或物理)
- 英國Foundation:了解不同種類、學費的英國Foundation及哪些同學比較需要Foundation?
- 英國大學入學要求:了解英國大學IELTS、分數及學科要求,看看是否有需要讀Foundation
- 英國大學:讓您對英國大學有全面了解的10條Q&A
- 英國大學選科:想知道哪所英國大學有您心儀科目的Foundation?
- 英國大學排名:不同英國大學分數要求不一樣,您的分數,未必需要讀Foundation?
- 英國大學學費:多讀一年Foundation,需要額外學費,另外3個影響學費的因素您要知
- 英國大學課程:6種英國大學課程,其中一些是補底課程,就算欠成績、中學選修科或IELTS,都不一定要讀Foundation