University of Toledo






Toledo, Ohio


位於Toledo,距離Detroit 1小時車程





University of Toledo 獎學金

  • University of Toledo學費經濟之外,少有為國際學生提供4年不加費保證!
  • 90%國際生都有獎學金,DSE Level 3國際生獎學金高達學費30%!
  • 保證四年獎學金,大學保證一般到75%學費減免,如果4年都有此財政安排,同學需要維持3.0 GPA,GPA滿分4.

University of Toledo 商學院

  • 超過85%的學生參與超過1個實習,讓畢業生更有競爭力, 歡迎了解:美國大學讀商科

University of Toledo 工程

  • 全美國大學只有8所有強制實習要求,University of Toledo為其一,同學最多可以做1年帶薪實習,並得到學分,平均扣稅後人工等於一年國際生學費!

University of Toledo 社工

  • 透過社工一文得知,有美國Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)認可的學位會有香港社工註冊局認可,回港就業無問題,歡迎了解:美國大學讀社工

University of Toledo Undecided Major

  • University of Toledo有部門及職員為未決定主修的同學提供選科建議,讓同學有1.5年時間,選修不同科目,了解不同主修,但都不會延遲畢業。University of Toledo發現50%學位同學都會轉主修,20%中學畢業生都以未決定主修申請到University of Toledo,所以,特別為這些同學安排適切幫助。

University of Toledo 學士課程




  1. Accounting
  2. Adolescent and Young Adult Education
  3. African Studies
  4. Anthropology
  5. Art
  6. Art Education
  7. Art History
  8. Asian Studies
  9. Astronomy
  10. Biochemistry
  11. Bioengineering
  12. Biology
  13. Business Management Technology
  14. Chemical Engineering
  15. Chemisty
  16. Civil Engineering
  17. Communication Studies
  18. Computer Science and Engineering
  19. Computer and Science Engineering Technology
  20. Construction Engineering Technology
  21. Criminal Justice
  22. Data Analytics
  23. Data Science
  24. Early Childhood Education
  25. Economics
  26. Electrical Engineering
  27. Electrical Engineering Technology
  28. English
  29. Entreprenuership and Innovation
  30. Environmental Engineering
  31. Environmental Geology
  32. Environmental Sciences
  33. Environmental Studies
  34. Exercise Science
  35. Film and Video
  36. Finance
  37. Financial Services
  38. Foreign Language Education
  39. French
  40. General Studies
  41. Geography and Planning
  42. Health Information Administration
  43. History
  44. Human Resource Management
  45. Information Systems
  46. Information Technology
  47. Law and Social Thought
  48. Liberal Studies
  49. Management
  50. Marketing
  51. Mathematics
  52. Mechanical Engineering
  53. Mechanical Engineering Technology
  54. Media Communication
  55. Media Technology
  56. Middle Childhood Education
  57. Middle East Studies
  58. Multi-Age Education
  59. Music
  60. Music Education
  61. Nursing
  62. Operation and Supply Chain Management
  63. Organisational Leadership and Managemnt
  64. Pharmacy
  65. Pharmacy Administration
  66. Philosophy
  67. Physics
  68. Political Science
  69. Pre-Law
  70. Psychology
  71. Religious Studies
  72. Sociology
  73. Spanish
  74. Special Education
  75. Theatre
  76. University Studies
  77. Urban Studies
  78. Visual Arts
  79. Women's and Gender Studies

University of Toledo 介紹影片

介紹並展示University of Toledo 的學校特色、校園設施和學習體驗

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