University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
University of Oregon 特色
- University of Oregon為美國排名頭50的公立大學及獲得一級國家公立研究型大學的名譽。
- 與哈佛、史丹福及耶魯等名牌大學並列為 American Association of Universities (AAU) 成員,AAU 為美國研究型大學組織,致力於維持學術研究及教育體系,成爲AAU 成員將能為 University of Oregon帶來出色的研究成果。
- 學校支援及鼓勵所有學生進行研究,包括學位課程學生,約有73%學生投入研究活動當中,加强學生在其學術上及職業上取得成功。
- University of Oregon 每年都會為國際學生提供經濟援助及獎學金項目,合共提供的金額達到570萬美元。
- 90% University of Oregon 的學生在畢業三個月内就業,更有不少畢業生在國際知名的企業就業,甚至擔任重要崗位,例如Adidas、Google、Intel及Nike等。
- University of Oregon 校園學習環境優美,鄰近Eugene,提供各類型的戶外活動設施如行山徑、滑雪場地及沙灘等。同時Eugene為Oregon Ducks,知名的體育團隊的所在地,也是全球知名運動品牌Nike的發源地,能夠提供具有啓發性的學習及生活環境予學生,協助發展學術及職業上的成功。
- 師資優良,師生比為1;17,課程由頂尖的教授、講師及學術研究人員教授,提供優質的教學内容,同時容許學生有更多時間與教授們互動,獲取更多1對1指導的機會。
University of Oregon 學位主修
英語要求: IELTS
雅思 7.0
- Accounting & Finance (BComm Hons)
- Aerospace Engineering (BEng)
- Architectural Science (BArchSc Hons)
- Arts and Contemporary Studies (BA Hons)
- Biology (BSc Hons)
- Biomedical Engineering (BEng)
- Biomedical Sciences (BSc Hons)
- Business Management (BComm)
- Business Technology Management (BComm)
- Chemical Engineering Co-op (BEng)
- Chemistry (BSc Hons)
- Child and Youth Care (BA)
- Civil Engineering (BEng)
- Computer Engineering (BEng)
- Computer Science (BSc Hons)
- Creative Industries (BA)
- Criminology (BA Hons)
- Criminology and History (BA)
- Criminology and Politics and Governance (BA)
- Criminology and Sociology (BA)
- Disability Studies (BA)
- Early Childhood Studies (BA)
- Electrical Engineering (BEng)
- English (BA Hons)
- English and History (BA)
- English and Philosophy (BA)
- Environment and Urban Sustainability (BA Hons)
- Fashion (BDes)
- Financial Mathematics (BSc Hons)
- Geographic Analysis (BA Hons)
- Graphic Communications Management (BTech)
- Health Administration (BHA)
- History (BA Hons)
- History and Criminology (BA)
- History and English (BA)
- History and Philosophy (BA)
- History and Politics and Governance (BA)
- History and Sociology (BA)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (BComm Hons)
- Image Arts: Film Studies (BFA)
- Image Arts: Photography Studies (BFA)
- Industrial Engineering (BEng)
- Interior Design (BID)
- International Economics and Finance (BA)
- Journalism (BJourn)
- Language and Intercultural Relations (BA Hons)
- Mathematics and its Applications (BSc Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
- Mechatronics Engineering (BEng)
- Medical Physics (BSc Hons)
- Midwifery (BHSc)
- Nutrition and Food (BASc)
- Occupational Health and Safety (BASc)
- Performance: Acting (BFA)
- Performance: Dance (BFA)
- Performance: Production (BFA)
- Philosophy (BA Hons)
- Philosophy and English (BA)
- Philosophy and History (BA)
- Politics and Governance (BA Hons)
- Politics and Governance and Criminology (BA)
- Politics and Governance and History (BA)
- Politics and Governance and Sociology (BA)
- Professional Communication (BA Hons)
- Professional Music (BFA Hons)
- Psychology (BA)
- Public Administration and Governance (BA Hons)
- Public Health (BASc)
- Retail Management (BComm Hons)
- RTA School of Media: Media Production (BA)
- RTA School of Media: New Media (BFA)
- RTA School of Media: Sport Media (BA)
- Social Work (BSW)
- Sociology (BA Hons)
- Sociology and Criminology (BA)
- Sociology and History (BA)
- Sociology and Politics and Governance (BA)
- Undeclared Arts (First Year Studies Only)
- Undeclared Engineering (First Semester Studies Only)
- Urban and Regional Planning (BURPI)