University of Massachusetts Boston
University of Massachusetts Boston 重點
學位, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
波士頓 Boston, Massachusetts
距離波士頓市中心約 15 分鐘車程
University of Massachusetts Boston 課程介紹
University of Massachusetts Boston是美國麻省公立大學五所分校之一,位於麻州首府最大城市波士頓; 波士頓其多所著名的學府使之成為國際高等教育中心,也是美國的頂級金融城市之一。
成績未達標的同學, 可以透過 Global Student Success Program (GSSP)國際大一課程入學 (相等大學 Year 1 一年級)
UMass Boston GSSP 特色:
- 無需SAT / ACT
- 小班制教學,每班20-25學生
- 為學生提供學習和個人支援
- 可享用麻州大學校內設施與校園服務
- 完成 GSSP 獲得相應GPA後, 保證銜接升讀大學二年級 Year 2
University of Massachusetts Boston 教育
- University of Massachusetts Boston是少數美國大學讓一些有興趣成為教師的理科生4年完成學位及教師文憑,一般美國教師文憑需要於學位後額外1-2年時間,歡迎查詢:美國大學讀教育
University of Massachusetts Boston 入學要求
1, 5, 9月
DSE 4 科每科至少 2 分
College of Human Education and Human Development
- Early Education and Care in Inclusive Settings (EECIS) (BA)
- Sport Leadership and Administration (BA)
College of Liberal Arts
- Africana Studies (BA)
- American Studies (BA)
- Anthropology (BA)
- Archaeology and History (BA)
- Art (BA)
- Asian Studies (BA)
- Classical Studies (BA)
- Classical Languages (BA)
- Communication (BA)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (BA)
- Economics (BA)
- English (BA)
- Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy (BA)
- French (BA)
- History (BA)
- Italian (BA)
- Labour Studies
- Latin American and Iberian Studies
- Philosophy (BA)
- Philosophy and Public Policy (BA)
- Political Science (BA)
- Psychology (BA or BS)
- Music (BA)
- Sociology (BA)
- Social Psychology (BA)
- Spanish (BA)
- Theatre Arts (BA)
- Women’s and Gender Studies (BA)
College of Management
- Information Technology (B.S.)
- Management (B.S.) (Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Management, Information Systems and Business Analytics, Leadership and Organizational Change, Marketing, Supply Chain and Service Management)
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Exercise and Health Sciences (BS)
College of Science and Mathematics
- Biochemistry (B.S.)
- Biology (B.S.)
- Chemistry (B.S./B.A)
- Computer Engineering (B.S.)
- Computer Science (B.S./B.A)
- Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
- Engineering Physics (B.S.)
- Environmental Science (B.S./B.A)
- Information Technology (B.S.)
- Mathematics (B.S./B.A)
- Physics (B.S./B.A.)