University of Idaho
學位, 碩士
Moscow, Idaho
University of Idaho 學費經濟
- University of Idaho 性價比極高,歡迎了解:美國大學學費
University of Idaho 電腦
- University of Idaho 的資訊保安課程得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦
University of Idaho 工程學院
- University of Idaho 的工程學院同學,可以做 2個帶薪實習,賺到大概相等於 1年國際生學費!
University of Idaho PGA Golf Management + 商學位
- 全美國只有 18個 PGA認可課程,畢業生會有 16個月高球相關實習,參加全國及地區性高爾夫球比賽。
University of Idaho 商學院
- Business Process Center:透過模擬軟件及數據,爲企業重設流程,讓其運作更暢順,企業可以先看模擬數據,再決定是否投資改革
- Braker Trading Program:讓同學以 Trader身份,於真 Platform、做真Trading
- Vandal Solutions: 幫真企業做市場推出建議
- Beta Alpha Psi (BAP):專爲會計、Information System或Finance學生而設,除了相關義工及教學機會,學會更有 CPA(美國會計師考試)溫習及 Internal Control Review, 同學會檢視及瞭解大學收款及記賬程序
- 商科同學可以選擇副修Analytics、Entrepreneurship、Small Business Management或 Trading & Capital Markets
University of Idaho 學士課程
英語要求 : IELTS 6/TOEFL 70/Duolingo 100/PTE 48
學術要求 : GPA 2.5
- Accounting
- Advertising
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
- Agricultural Systems Management
- Animal & Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Apparel, Textiles & Design
- Architecture
- Art
- Biochemistry
- Biological Engineering
- Biology
- Biotechnology and Plant Genomics
- Broadcasting & Digital Media
- Business Economics
- Career & Technical Education
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Child Development
- Civil Engineering
- Communication
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Criminology
- Crop Science and Management
- Cybersecurity
- Dance
- Early Childhood Education
- Ecology & Conservation Biology
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Elementary Education
- English
- Entomology
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Soil Science
- Exercise, Sport, and Health Sciences
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Film and Television Studies
- Finance
- Fire Ecology & Management
- Fishery Resources
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Science
- Forest and Sustainable Products
- Forestry
- French
- General Studies
- Geography
- Geology
- Global Disease Ecology
- History
- Horticulture and Urban Agriculture
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Industrial Technology
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interior Architecture and Design
- International Studies
- Journalism
- Latin American Studies
- Management & Human Resources
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Sciences
- Microbiology
- Modern Language Business
- Music
- Natural Resource Conservation
- Nutritional Sciences
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Organizational Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pre-Applied Psychology
- Pre-Athletic Training
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Dentistry
- Pre-Dietetics
- Pre-Medical
- Pre-Medical Laboratory Scientist
- Pre-Nursing
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Public Health
- Psychology
- Psychology: Human Factors Emphasis
- Public Relations
- Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management
- Secondary Education
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Studio Art & Design
- Sustainable Food Systems
- Theatre
- Theatre Arts
- Virtual Technology & Design
- Water Science and Management
- Wildlife Resources
University of Idaho 碩士課程
英語要求 : IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 79/Duolingo 115/PTE 58
學術要求 : GPA 3
推薦信 x3
GRE 考試 (只限某些特定科目)
作品集 (視乎課程)
- Accountancy
- Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership
- Agricultural Education
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Applied Economics
- Architecture
- Art
- Athletic Training
- Athletic Training
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Biological Engineering
- Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Creative Writing
- Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education
- Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Cybersecurity
- Dietetics
- Education
- Educational Leadership
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Management
- English
- Entomology
- Environmental Science
- Experimental Psychology
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Food Science
- Geography
- Geological Engineering
- Geology
- Groundwater Hydrology
- History
- Human Factors
- Hydrology
- Integrated Architecture and Design
- Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Landscape Architecture
- Law
- Master of Natural Resources
- Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Movement and Leisure Science
- Music
- Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication
- Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management
- Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option
- Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources
- Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management
- Natural Resources
- Neuroscience
- Nuclear Engineering
- Nutritional Sciences
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Science
- Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology)
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Secondary Education
- Soil and Land Resources
- Special Education
- Statistical Science
- Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Technology Management
- Theatre Arts
- Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
- Water Resources