University of Idaho


學位, 碩士


Moscow, Idaho







University of Idaho 學費經濟

University of Idaho 電腦

  • University of Idaho 的資訊保安課程得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦

University of Idaho 工程學院

  • University of Idaho 的工程學院同學,可以做 2個帶薪實習,賺到大概相等於 1年國際生學費!

University of Idaho PGA Golf Management + 商學位

  • 全美國只有 18個 PGA認可課程,畢業生會有 16個月高球相關實習,參加全國及地區性高爾夫球比賽。

University of Idaho 商學院

  • Business Process Center:透過模擬軟件及數據,爲企業重設流程,讓其運作更暢順,企業可以先看模擬數據,再決定是否投資改革
  • Braker Trading Program:讓同學以 Trader身份,於真 Platform、做真Trading
  • Vandal Solutions: 幫真企業做市場推出建議
  • Beta Alpha Psi (BAP):專爲會計、Information System或Finance學生而設,除了相關義工及教學機會,學會更有 CPA(美國會計師考試)溫習及 Internal Control Review, 同學會檢視及瞭解大學收款及記賬程序
  • 商科同學可以選擇副修Analytics、Entrepreneurship、Small Business Management或 Trading & Capital Markets

University of Idaho 學士課程




英語要求 : IELTS 6/TOEFL 70/Duolingo 100/PTE 48

學術要求 : GPA 2.5


  1. Accounting
  2. Advertising
  3. Agricultural Economics
  4. Agricultural Education
  5. Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership
  6. Agricultural Systems Management
  7. Animal & Veterinary Science
  8. Anthropology
  9. Apparel, Textiles & Design
  10. Architecture
  11. Art
  12. Biochemistry
  13. Biological Engineering
  14. Biology
  15. Biotechnology and Plant Genomics
  16. Broadcasting & Digital Media
  17. Business Economics
  18. Career & Technical Education
  19. Chemical Engineering
  20. Chemistry
  21. Child Development
  22. Civil Engineering
  23. Communication
  24. Computer Engineering
  25. Computer Science
  26. Criminology
  27. Crop Science and Management
  28. Cybersecurity
  29. Dance
  30. Early Childhood Education
  31. Ecology & Conservation Biology
  32. Economics
  33. Electrical Engineering
  34. Elementary Education
  35. English
  36. Entomology
  37. Environmental Science
  38. Environmental Soil Science
  39. Exercise, Sport, and Health Sciences
  40. Family and Consumer Sciences
  41. Film and Television Studies
  42. Finance
  43. Fire Ecology & Management
  44. Fishery Resources
  45. Food and Nutrition
  46. Food Science
  47. Forest and Sustainable Products
  48. Forestry
  49. French
  50. General Studies
  51. Geography
  52. Geology
  53. Global Disease Ecology
  54. History
  55. Horticulture and Urban Agriculture
  56. Human Development and Family Studies
  57. Industrial Technology
  58. Interdisciplinary Studies
  59. Interior Architecture and Design
  60. International Studies
  61. Journalism
  62. Latin American Studies
  63. Management & Human Resources
  64. Management Information Systems
  65. Marketing
  66. Mathematics
  67. Mechanical Engineering
  68. Medical Sciences
  69. Microbiology
  70. Modern Language Business
  71. Music
  72. Natural Resource Conservation
  73. Nutritional Sciences
  74. Operations and Supply Chain Management
  75. Organizational Sciences
  76. Philosophy
  77. Physics
  78. Political Science
  79. Pre-Applied Psychology
  80. Pre-Athletic Training
  81. Pre-Chiropractic
  82. Pre-Dentistry
  83. Pre-Dietetics
  84. Pre-Medical
  85. Pre-Medical Laboratory Scientist
  86. Pre-Nursing
  87. Pre-Occupational Therapy
  88. Pre-Optometry
  89. Pre-Pharmacy
  90. Pre-Physical Therapy
  91. Pre-Physician Assistant
  92. Pre-Public Health
  93. Psychology
  94. Psychology: Human Factors Emphasis
  95. Public Relations
  96. Rangeland Ecology & Management
  97. Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management
  98. Secondary Education
  99. Sociology
  100. Spanish
  101. Statistics
  102. Studio Art & Design
  103. Sustainable Food Systems
  104. Theatre
  105. Theatre Arts
  106. Virtual Technology & Design
  107. Water Science and Management
  108. Wildlife Resources

University of Idaho 碩士課程




英語要求 : IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 79/Duolingo 115/PTE 58

學術要求 : GPA 3

推薦信 x3

GRE 考試 (只限某些特定科目)



作品集 (視乎課程)


  1. Accountancy
  2. Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership
  3. Agricultural Education
  4. Animal Physiology
  5. Animal Science
  6. Anthropology
  7. Applied Economics
  8. Architecture
  9. Art
  10. Athletic Training
  11. Athletic Training
  12. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  13. Biological Engineering
  14. Biology
  15. Chemical Engineering
  16. Chemistry
  17. Civil Engineering
  18. Computer Engineering
  19. Computer Science
  20. Creative Writing
  21. Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education
  22. Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education
  23. Curriculum & Instruction
  24. Curriculum & Instruction
  25. Cybersecurity
  26. Dietetics
  27. Education
  28. Educational Leadership
  29. Electrical Engineering
  30. Engineering Management
  31. English
  32. Entomology
  33. Environmental Science
  34. Experimental Psychology
  35. Family and Consumer Sciences
  36. Food Science
  37. Geography
  38. Geological Engineering
  39. Geology
  40. Groundwater Hydrology
  41. History
  42. Human Factors
  43. Hydrology
  44. Integrated Architecture and Design
  45. Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
  46. Interdisciplinary Studies
  47. Landscape Architecture
  48. Law
  49. Master of Natural Resources
  50. Mathematics
  51. Mathematics
  52. Mechanical Engineering
  53. Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  54. Movement and Leisure Science
  55. Music
  56. Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication
  57. Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management
  58. Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option
  59. Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources
  60. Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management
  61. Natural Resources
  62. Neuroscience
  63. Nuclear Engineering
  64. Nutritional Sciences
  65. Physical Education
  66. Physics
  67. Plant Pathology
  68. Plant Science
  69. Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology)
  70. Psychology
  71. Psychology
  72. Public Administration
  73. Secondary Education
  74. Soil and Land Resources
  75. Special Education
  76. Statistical Science
  77. Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
  78. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  79. Technology Management
  80. Theatre Arts
  81. Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
  82. Water Resources

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