University of Montana


學位, 碩士




Missoula, Montana







University of Montana 商科

University of Montana 社工

此社工學位有Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)認可,回港執業無問題,歡迎了解其他提供認可社工學位或碩士的美國大學:美國大學讀社工或點擊社工一文,了解香港社工人工、註冊及工種。

University of Montana: College of Forestry and Conservation

  • 95%學生在學期間都找到跟學位相關的實習,畢業後,97%畢業生找到相關工作或者繼續學業

University of Montana: Freshmen Wilderness Experience

  • 所有新生都會參加 4日3夜的露營,體驗University of Montana的戶外郊野及學習保育知識

University of Montana: Northern Rockies Outdoor Leadership Certificate

  • 所有主修的同學都可以兼修此15小時證書課程,唯畢業生必修完成相關實習,真實帶領小組透過野外學習領導才能及團隊合作,實習以外,課程內容另有3部分:理論、戶外活動及實地體驗。戶外活動種類選擇:急救、攀石、獨木舟、Fly Fishing、 Whitewater Rafting等

University of Montana 學士課程




英語要求 : IELTS 6/TOEFL 70


  1. Accounting
  2. African American Studies
  3. Anthropology - Forensic Anthropology
  4. Anthropology - Linguistics
  5. Anthropology and Archaeology
  6. Art
  7. Art Education
  8. Biochemistry
  9. Biology
  10. Biology, Ecology and Organismal Biology
  11. Biology, Human Biological Sciences
  12. Central and Southwest Asian Studies
  13. Chemistry
  14. Classics
  15. Climate Science and Environmental Change
  16. Communication Studies
  17. Communication Studies - Human Relationships
  18. Communication Studies - Organizational Communication
  19. Communication Studies - Rhetoric
  20. Communicative Sciences and Disorders
  21. Computational Biochemistry
  22. Computer Science
  23. Computer Science, Algorithm Design
  24. Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences
  25. Computer Science, Software Engineering
  26. Creative Pulse
  27. Creative Writing
  28. Criminology
  29. Dance
  30. Early Childhood Education
  31. East Asian Studies
  32. Economics
  33. Ecosystem Science and Restoration
  34. Elementary Education
  35. English
  36. English, Creative Writing
  37. English, Literature
  38. English, Teaching
  39. Environmental Policy and Planning
  40. Environmental Science and Sustainability
  41. Environmental Studies
  42. Finance
  43. Forestry
  44. French
  45. Geography
  46. Geography, Community and Environmental Planning
  47. Geosciences
  48. German
  49. History
  50. History, Education
  51. History, Political Science
  52. Integrated Arts and Education
  53. Integrative Physiology
  54. International Business
  55. Japanese
  56. Journalism
  57. Linguistics
  58. Management and Entrepreneurship
  59. Management Information Systems
  60. Marketing
  61. Mathematical Sciences
  62. Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Education
  63. Mathematical Sciences – Applied Math
  64. Mathematical Sciences – Pure Math
  65. Media Arts
  66. Media Arts – Game Design and Interactive Media
  67. Medical Laboratory Science
  68. Microbiology
  69. Music
  70. Music Education
  71. Musical Theatre
  72. Native American Studies
  73. Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management
  74. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  75. Philosophy
  76. Physical Geography
  77. Physics
  78. Political Science
  79. Political Science - American Politics
  80. Political Science - International Relations and Comparative Politics
  81. Political Science - Public Administration and Public Policy
  82. Political Science-Public Law
  83. Pre-Dental
  84. Pre-Medical Sciences
  85. Pre-Physician Assistant
  86. Pre-Veterinary
  87. Psychology
  88. Public Health
  89. Resource Conservation
  90. Russian
  91. Social Work
  92. Sociology
  93. Sociology - Inequality and Social Justice
  94. Spanish
  95. Sustainability Science and Practice
  96. Sustainable Livelihoods and Communities
  97. Theatre
  98. Theatre, Acting
  99. Theatre, Design Technology
  100. Water Resources
  101. Wildlife Biology – Aquatic
  102. Wildlife Biology – Terrestrial
  103. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

University of Montana 碩士課程




英語要求 : IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 80


  1. Accounting
  2. Anthropology - Forensic Anthropology
  3. Anthropology - Linguistics
  4. Anthropology and Archaeology
  5. Art
  6. Athletic Training
  7. Biochemistry and Biophysics
  8. Business Administration
  9. Business Administration and Law
  10. Business Administration and Pharmacy
  11. Business Administration and Physical Therapy
  12. Business Analytics
  13. Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology
  14. Chemistry
  15. Communication Studies
  16. Computer Science
  17. Counselor Education
  18. Creative Writing
  19. Curriculum and Instruction
  20. Data Science
  21. Economics
  22. Education
  23. Educational Leadership
  24. English
  25. English, Literature
  26. English, Teaching
  27. Environmental Philosophy
  28. Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism
  29. Environmental Studies
  30. Environmental Studies and Law
  31. Forestry
  32. Geography
  33. Geosciences
  34. History
  35. Integrative Physiology
  36. International Educational Leadership
  37. Law and Public Administration
  38. Linguistics
  39. Mathematical Sciences
  40. Media Arts
  41. Medicinal Chemistry
  42. Music
  43. Musical Theatre
  44. Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution
  45. Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management
  46. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Design
  47. Pharmacy and Public Health
  48. PharmD and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  49. Physical Therapy and Public Health
  50. Political Science
  51. Political Science - American Politics
  52. Psychology
  53. Public Administration
  54. Public Administration and Public Health
  55. Public Administration and Wildlife Biology
  56. Public Health
  57. Resource Conservation, Grad
  58. Secondary Education (Middle and High School)
  59. Social Work
  60. Social Work (Online)
  61. Social Work and Public Health
  62. Sociology
  63. Sociology - Inequality and Social Justice
  64. Systems Ecology
  65. Theatre
  66. Toxicology

University of Montana 介紹影片

介紹並展示Unieversity of Montana 的學校特色、校園生活和學習體驗

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