University of Montana
University of Montana 重點
University of Montana 商科
University of Montana 社工
University of Montana: College of Forestry and Conservation
University of Montana: Freshmen Wilderness Experience
University of Montana: Northern Rockies Outdoor Leadership Certificate
University of Montana 學士課程
University of Montana 碩士課程
University of Montana 介紹影片
學位, 碩士
Missoula, Montana
University of Montana 商科
- 80%畢業生最少有1個實習,為畢業找工作左準備,歡迎了解:美國大學讀商科
University of Montana: College of Forestry and Conservation
- 95%學生在學期間都找到跟學位相關的實習,畢業後,97%畢業生找到相關工作或者繼續學業
University of Montana: Freshmen Wilderness Experience
- 所有新生都會參加 4日3夜的露營,體驗University of Montana的戶外郊野及學習保育知識
University of Montana: Northern Rockies Outdoor Leadership Certificate
- 所有主修的同學都可以兼修此15小時證書課程,唯畢業生必修完成相關實習,真實帶領小組透過野外學習領導才能及團隊合作,實習以外,課程內容另有3部分:理論、戶外活動及實地體驗。戶外活動種類選擇:急救、攀石、獨木舟、Fly Fishing、 Whitewater Rafting等
University of Montana 學士課程
英語要求 : IELTS 6/TOEFL 70
- Accounting
- African American Studies
- Anthropology - Forensic Anthropology
- Anthropology - Linguistics
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Art
- Art Education
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biology, Ecology and Organismal Biology
- Biology, Human Biological Sciences
- Central and Southwest Asian Studies
- Chemistry
- Classics
- Climate Science and Environmental Change
- Communication Studies
- Communication Studies - Human Relationships
- Communication Studies - Organizational Communication
- Communication Studies - Rhetoric
- Communicative Sciences and Disorders
- Computational Biochemistry
- Computer Science
- Computer Science, Algorithm Design
- Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences
- Computer Science, Software Engineering
- Creative Pulse
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Dance
- Early Childhood Education
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Ecosystem Science and Restoration
- Elementary Education
- English
- English, Creative Writing
- English, Literature
- English, Teaching
- Environmental Policy and Planning
- Environmental Science and Sustainability
- Environmental Studies
- Finance
- Forestry
- French
- Geography
- Geography, Community and Environmental Planning
- Geosciences
- German
- History
- History, Education
- History, Political Science
- Integrated Arts and Education
- Integrative Physiology
- International Business
- Japanese
- Journalism
- Linguistics
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics Education
- Mathematical Sciences – Applied Math
- Mathematical Sciences – Pure Math
- Media Arts
- Media Arts – Game Design and Interactive Media
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Microbiology
- Music
- Music Education
- Musical Theatre
- Native American Studies
- Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physical Geography
- Physics
- Political Science
- Political Science - American Politics
- Political Science - International Relations and Comparative Politics
- Political Science - Public Administration and Public Policy
- Political Science-Public Law
- Pre-Dental
- Pre-Medical Sciences
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Veterinary
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Resource Conservation
- Russian
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Sociology - Inequality and Social Justice
- Spanish
- Sustainability Science and Practice
- Sustainable Livelihoods and Communities
- Theatre
- Theatre, Acting
- Theatre, Design Technology
- Water Resources
- Wildlife Biology – Aquatic
- Wildlife Biology – Terrestrial
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
University of Montana 碩士課程
英語要求 : IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 80
- Accounting
- Anthropology - Forensic Anthropology
- Anthropology - Linguistics
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Art
- Athletic Training
- Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Business Administration
- Business Administration and Law
- Business Administration and Pharmacy
- Business Administration and Physical Therapy
- Business Analytics
- Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Counselor Education
- Creative Writing
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Data Science
- Economics
- Education
- Educational Leadership
- English
- English, Literature
- English, Teaching
- Environmental Philosophy
- Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism
- Environmental Studies
- Environmental Studies and Law
- Forestry
- Geography
- Geosciences
- History
- Integrative Physiology
- International Educational Leadership
- Law and Public Administration
- Linguistics
- Mathematical Sciences
- Media Arts
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Music
- Musical Theatre
- Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution
- Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management
- Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Design
- Pharmacy and Public Health
- PharmD and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Physical Therapy and Public Health
- Political Science
- Political Science - American Politics
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Administration and Public Health
- Public Administration and Wildlife Biology
- Public Health
- Resource Conservation, Grad
- Secondary Education (Middle and High School)
- Social Work
- Social Work (Online)
- Social Work and Public Health
- Sociology
- Sociology - Inequality and Social Justice
- Systems Ecology
- Theatre
- Toxicology