The University of Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island 重點
The University of Rhode Island 學術亮點
The University of Rhode Island 文理學院
The University of Rhode Island 商學院
The University of Rhode Island 教育學院
The University of Rhode Island 電腦
The University of Rhode Island: Health Science
The University of Rhode Island 學士課程
The University of Rhode Island 介紹影片
Providence, Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island 學術亮點
- 非常注重可持續發展,大學管理層更設可持續發展辦,把此完素融入各種課程,同學也可以選擇可持續發展副修
The University of Rhode Island 文理學院
- 為大三或大四同學準備很多對工作有幫助的工作坊,例如:
- 如何操作Excel、
- Business Intelligence軟件、
- 專人向您介紹Rhode Island公司、
- 帶您走整個揾工流程等。
The University of Rhode Island 商學院
- 近 80%畢業生有實習,而90%畢業前有工作安排的同學都曾經實習
The University of Rhode Island 教育學院
可以4年內成為中學教師,可以教英文、歷史、數學、生物、化學、物理、外語(西班牙文、法文、意大利文、德文、拉丁文), 歡迎了解:美國大學讀教育
The University of Rhode Island 電腦
- University of Rhode Island的資訊保安學位得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦
The University of Rhode Island: Health Science
University of Rhode Island 的 Health Science 學系有:
- 心理學、
- 營養學、
- Neuroscience、
- Communicative Disorder,
- Human Development & Family Science,
- Kinesiology
同學所學理論,如果可以跟其他 Health Science 主修同學交流,應用到不同年紀的對象,實在相得益彰。
University of Rhode Island部分相關項目如下:
- Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center:此組織的參與成員有美國常春藤大學Brown University、政府部門、跟老人健康相關的 NGO、基層醫療專業團體,主力透過講座、實習、培訓,幫助不同 Health Science 同學了解人衰老背後的科學及如何舒緩或治理相關慢性病。
University of Rhode Island更設有副修老人學 - Rhode Island Life Expectancy Project:此研究項目覆蓋整個州的39個城市,了解不同環境因素及個人選擇等,跟壽命的關係
- Early Intervention Program: 此中心為同學提供實習,到社區中心支援發展遲援幼童。
- Child Development Center:此中心為 3-5歲幼兒園學生提供全日課程及託管服務。
- Couple & Family Therapy Clinic:州內少見專門及有系統提供關係輔導中心。
The Universoty of Rhode Island 學士課程
IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 79/Duolingo 105/PTE 53
- Accounting
- Africana Studies
- Animal Science and Technology
- Anthropology
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Science
- Art
- Art History
- Biological Sciences
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Chinese Language Flagship Program
- Civil Engineering
- Classical Studies
- Communication Studies
- Communicative Disorders
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Data Science
- Dietetics
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Elementary Education
- English
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- Environmental Science and Management
- Film Media
- Finance
- French
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- General Business Administration
- Geology and Geological Oceanography
- German
- Global Business Management
- Global Language and Area Studies
- Green Business Program
- Health and Physical Education
- Health Studies
- History
- Human Development and Family Science
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Interdisciplinary Neuroscience
- International Business Program
- International Computer Science Program
- International Engineering Program
- International Studies and Diplomacy Program
- Italian
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Landscape Architecture
- Management
- Marine Affairs
- Marine Biology
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Music
- Nonprofit Administration
- Nursing
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Ocean Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy