SUNY University at Albany


學位, 碩士




Albany, New York







SUNY University at Albany 學術亮點


  • SUNY (State University of New York)學費經濟,歡迎了解更多關於SUNY美國大學學費
  • 過半會計畢業生於4大會計師樓工作:KPMC,PwC,Deloitte
  • 少有美國大學設有School of Criminal Justice, 課程結合心理學、法律、社會學及政策研究。

SUNY University at Albany 電腦

  • SUNY University at Albany的資訊保安學位得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦

SUNY University at Albany 社工

此社工學位有Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)認可,回港執業無問題,歡迎了解其他提供認可社工學位或碩士的美國大學:美國大學讀社工或點擊社工一文,了解香港社工人工、註冊及工種。

SUNY University at Albany 學士課程




英語要求 : IELTS 6/TOEFL 70/Duolingo 95/PTE 50


  1. Accounting
  2. Actuarial and Mathematical Sciences
  3. Africana Studies
  4. Anthropology
  5. Art
  6. Art History
  7. Atmospheric Science
  8. Biology
  9. Biology
  10. Business Economics
  11. Chemistry
  12. Chemistry
  13. Chinese Studies
  14. Communication
  15. Computer Science
  16. Computer Science
  17. Criminal Justice
  18. Cybersecurity
  19. Digital Forensics
  20. East Asian Studies
  21. Economics
  22. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  23. Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
  24. Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
  25. English
  26. Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
  27. Geography
  28. History
  29. Human Biology
  30. Human Development
  31. Informatics
  32. Interdisciplinary Studies - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  33. Interdisciplinary Studies - Documentary Studies
  34. Interdisciplinary Studies - Environmental Science
  35. Interdisciplinary Studies - Financial Market Regulation
  36. Interdisciplinary Studies - Globalization Studies
  37. Japanese Studies
  38. Journalism
  39. Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies
  40. Linguistics
  41. Mathematics
  42. Mathematics
  43. Music
  44. Nursing
  45. Philosophy
  46. Physics
  47. Political Science
  48. Psychology
  49. Public Health
  50. Public Policy and Management
  51. Quantitative Economics and Data Analytics
  52. Social Welfare
  53. Sociology
  54. Spanish
  55. Theatre
  56. Urban Studies and Planning
  57. Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

SUNY University at Albany 碩士課程




英語要求 : TOEFL 79

推薦信 x3

作品集 (視乎課程)



  1. Accounting
  2. Africana Studies
  3. Anthropology
  4. Applied Atmospheric Science
  5. Applied Chemistry
  6. Atmospheric Science
  7. Biodiversity, Conservation, and Policy
  8. Biology
  9. Biomedical Sciences
  10. Biostatistics
  11. Business Administration
  12. Business Analytics
  13. Chemistry
  14. Childhood Education
  15. Fully Online Option
  16. Communication
  17. Computational Physics
  18. Computer Science
  19. Criminal Justice
  20. Criminal Justice / Social Work
  21. Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology
  22. Data Science
  23. Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity
  24. Early Childhood Education
  25. Economics
  26. Educational Policy and Leadership
  27. Educational Psychology and Methodology
  28. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  29. Emergency Management and Homeland Security
  30. English
  31. English / Information Science
  32. Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
  33. Environmental Health Sciences
  34. Epidemiology
  35. Forensic Accounting
  36. Forensic Science Investigation and Management
  37. General Education Studies
  38. Geographic Information Science
  39. Geography
  40. Higher Education
  41. History
  42. History / Information Science
  43. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  44. Information Science
  45. Information Science School Library
  46. International Affairs
  47. International Education Management and Leadership
  48. Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies
  49. Liberal Studies
  50. Literacy
  51. Mathematics
  52. Mental Health Counseling
  53. Philosophy
  54. Physics
  55. Political Science
  56. Population Health Nursing
  57. Professional Accountancy
  58. Public Administration and Policy
  59. Public Health
  60. Public Health / Medical Doctorate Albany Medical College
  61. Public Health / Social Welfare
  62. Public Health Online
  63. Reading
  64. Secondary Education
  65. Social Studies
  66. Social Work
  67. Social Work / Criminal Justice
  68. Social Work / Juris Doctor
  69. Social Work / Public Health
  70. Sociology
  71. Spanish
  72. Special Education (Inclusion and Special Education)
  73. Special Education (Inclusion)
  74. Special Education and Literacy (I)
  75. Special Education and Literacy (II)
  76. Studio Art
  77. Taxation
  78. Urban and Regional Planning
  79. Urban and Regional Planning / JD with Albany Law School
  80. Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  81. Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies / Sociology

SUNY University at Albany 介紹影片

介紹SUNY University at Albany 的學校特色、校舍環境和學習體驗

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