George Mason University

George Mason University 重點


學位, 碩士, 碩士預備課程, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)




首都華盛頓 Washington, D.C.


距離首都華盛頓市中心 30分鐘車程





George Mason University 保育、環境科學

  • George Mason University的保育學系跟 Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute 合作,為學位及碩士學生帶來與眾不同的學習體驗及機會。
  • Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute 有5個研究中心:
    • Conservation Ecology,
    • Conservation and Sustainability,
    • Conservation Genomics,
    • Migratory Birds, and
    • Species Survival
  • 設有獎學金、實習及實地考察機會,方向環繞數據收集、瀕臨絕種動物繁殖及了解環境、氣候跟動物進化的關係等。

George Mason University STEM主修

  • 40%的同學選擇工程、數學、科技、科學相關主修,最受歡迎主修包括:Business Analytics,Cybersecurity

George Mason University 本科參加科研機會

  • 學位同學如有科研興趣,可以申請資助,或者參與正在進行招募的項目

George Mason University 電腦

  • George Mason University的資訊保安學位得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦

George Mason University 營養師

George Mason University 社工

此社工學位有Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)認可,回港執業無問題,歡迎了解其他提供認可社工學位或碩士的美國大學:美國大學讀社工或點擊社工一文,了解香港社工人工、註冊及工種。

George Mason University學位&國際大一(Undergraduate)






國際大一(International Year 1)讓英文或成績稍遜的同學,一樣可以如期4年畢業


  1. Anthropology
  2. Applied Computer Science
  3. Art History
  4. Astronomy
  5. Bioengineering
  6. Biology
  7. Business
  8. Chemistry
  9. Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  10. Communication
  11. Community Health
  12. Computational and Data Sciences
  13. Computer Engineering
  14. Computer Game Design, 不接受透過 International Year One (IY1)入讀
  15. Computer Science
  16. Conflict Analysis and Resolution
  17. Criminology, Law and Society
  18. Cybersecurity Engineering
  19. Economics
  20. Electrical Engineering
  21. English
  22. Environmental and Sustainability Studies
  23. Environmental Science
  24. Foreign Languages
  25. Forensic Science
  26. Geography
  27. Geology
  28. Global Affairs
  29. Government and International Politics
  30. Health Administration
  31. Health Informatics, 不接受透過 International Year One (IY1)入讀
  32. History
  33. Information Technology
  34. Integrative Studies
  35. Kinesiology
  36. Mathematics
  37. Mechanical Engineering
  38. Medical Laboratory Science
  39. Music
  40. Neuroscience
  41. Philosophy
  42. Physics
  43. Psychology
  44. Public Administration
  45. Religious Studies
  46. Russian and Eurasian Studies
  47. Social Work
  48. Sociology
  49. Special Education, 不接受透過 International Year One (IY1)入讀
  50. Statistics/Statistical Science
  51. Systems Engineering
  52. Tourism and Events Management

George Mason University 碩士&Pre Master Pathway






  • 本科畢業 (3.0 GPA, 4.0 滿分)
  • 個別專業需要 GRE
  • GPA 及 英語未達標的同學, 部分專業可以透過Pre master Pathway入讀


1. Accounting,可以透過Pathway 入讀

2. Anthropology

3. Applied and Engineering Physics, 需要GRE, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

4. Applied Information Technology,可以透過Pathway 入讀

5. Art History

6. Arts Management,可以透過Pathway 入讀

7. Bioengineering, 需要GRE, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

8. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,可以透過Pathway 入讀

9. Bioinformatics Management,可以透過Pathway 入讀

10. Biology

11. Biostatistics,可以透過Pathway 入讀

12. Business Administration,可以透過Pathway 入讀

13. Chemistry

14. Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,可以透過Pathway 入讀

15. Communication,可以透過Pathway 入讀

16. Computational Sciences, 需要GRE, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

17. Computer Engineering,可以透過Pathway 入讀

18. Computer Science,可以透過Pathway 入讀

19. Conflict Analysis and Resolution,可以透過Pathway 入讀

20. Criminology, Law and Society

21. Curriculum and Instruction,可以透過Pathway 入讀

22. Cybersecurity Engineering

23. Data Analytics Engineering,可以透過Pathway 入讀

24. Digital Forensics,可以透過Pathway 入讀

25. Earth Systems Science,可以透過Pathway 入讀

26. Economics,可以透過Pathway 入讀

27. Educational Psychology,可以透過Pathway 入讀

28. Electrical Engineering,可以透過Pathway 入讀

29. English,可以透過Pathway 入讀

30. Environmental Science and Policy, 需要GRE, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

31. Foreign Languages

32. Forensic Science,可以透過Pathway 入讀

33. Geographic and Cartographic Sciences,可以透過Pathway 入讀

34. Global Affairs,可以透過Pathway 入讀

35. Global Commerce and Policy,可以透過Pathway 入讀

36. Global Health

37. Health Informatics,可以透過Pathway 入讀

38. Health Systems Management,可以透過Pathway 入讀

39. History

40. Information Security and Assurance,可以透過Pathway 入讀

41. Information Systems,可以透過Pathway 入讀

42. Kinesiology

43. Management,可以透過Pathway 入讀

44. Mathematics,可以透過Pathway 入讀

45. Music,可以透過Pathway 入讀

46. Nutrition,可以透過Pathway 入讀

47. Operations Research,可以透過Pathway 入讀

48. Philosophy

49. Psychology

50. Public Administration

51. Public Policy,可以透過Pathway 入讀

52. Real Estate Development,可以透過Pathway 入讀

53. Social Work,可以透過Pathway 入讀

54. Sociology

55. Software Engineering,可以透過Pathway 入讀

56. Special Education,可以透過Pathway 入讀

57. Sport and Recreation Studies,可以透過Pathway 入讀

58. Statistics/Statistical Science,可以透過Pathway 入讀

59. Systems Engineering, 需要GRE, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

60. Telecommunications, 可以透過Pathway 入讀

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