Colorado State University

Colorado State University 重點


學位, 碩士




丹佛 Denver, Colorado


距離丹佛 60分鐘車程





Colorado State University: Pathway 課程

以下主修有額外中學選修科或分數要求,如果同學不達標,Colorado State University會出一個 Exploratory Studies 錄取給適合的同學,讓您有機會修讀跟您心儀主修學科,1年後,您可以轉主修或者繼續修讀當初心儀主修的大二

  • Journalism & Media Communication
  • Engineering: 需要 M2、化學或物理
  • Computer Science:需要 M2
  • Business
  • Biomedical Science:M2、化學、生物、物理

Colorado State University 電腦

  • Colorado State University 的資訊保安學位得到美國聯邦情報機關、國防及咨詢保安部門認可,詳情:美國大學讀電腦

Colorado State University: College of Health & Human Sciences 實習

  • 88% Construction Management、Design & Merchandising、Food Science & Nutrition、Education、Social Work、Health & Exercise Science、Human Development & Family Studies 的學生畢業前完成實習,為找工作準備

Colorado State University 商科

  • 可以 3-3.5 年完成學位:Real Estate、Financial Planning、Computer Information System、Management & Information System、Accounting、Finance & Management & Innovation

Colorado State University: Biomedical Engineering生物醫學工程


  • Chemical and Biological Engineering (BME+CBE)
  • Computer Engineering (BME+CpE)
  • Electrical Engineering (BME+EE)
  • Mechanical Engineering (BME+MECH)

Colorado State University: Nancy Richardson Design Center

  • 此中心有 13個不同課程,例如:Internship、Woodworking、Design Thinking Collaborative、Digital Animation & Story Telling、Post Digital Imaging、Creating Things that Think、Participatory Design Practices、Technical Sketching and Illustration、Graphic Novelling、Mixed Reality Design、Foundations in Textile、3D Modelling、Design with Social Impact。
  • 您認為這些體驗學習跟您主修沒有關係?您可以了解一下什麼是 Design Thinking,它是在推廣一種以人為本去解決問題的思維,再想多一層,您就發現沒什麼問題是以人為本是解決不了。
  • Colorado State University 的同學及老師為社區有需要群體解決問題,例如:為義肢使用者做指甲、為殘疾人士建立房子、為需要隨身的醫療器材做袋子,雖然參與項目策劃及設計的同學都不一定跟產品使用者有同樣的遭遇或者有相關專業知識,但Nancy Richardson Design Center Design Thinking證書課程首要學習誇專業團隊合作及以同理心設計可持續發展產品,然後同學會動手了解不同工具及素材的可能性,例如:紙、木、布料、平面設計、金屬、虛擬現實畫面、3D 打印等。

Colorado State University 社工

此社工學位有Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)認可,回港執業無問題,歡迎了解其他提供認可社工學位或碩士的美國大學:美國大學讀社工或點擊社工一文,了解香港社工人工、註冊及工種。

Colorado State University 學士學位 (Undergraduate)






中學畢業 3.0 GPA (4.0 滿分)

IELTS 6.0 / TOEFL 72 / Duolingo 110

不需要 ACT / SAT


  1. Agricultural Biology
  2. Agricultural Business
  3. Agricultural Education
  4. Animal Science
  5. Anthropology
  6. Apparel and Merchandising
  7. Biochemistry
  8. Biological Engineering
  9. Biology
  10. Biomedical Engineering
  11. Biomedical Sciences
  12. Business Administration
  13. Chemistry
  14. Civil Engineering
  15. Communication Studies
  16. Computer Engineering
  17. Computer Science
  18. Construction Management
  19. Dance
  20. Data Science
  21. Economics
  22. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
  23. Electrical Engineering
  24. English
  25. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
  26. Environmental Engineering
  27. Environmental Horticulture
  28. Equine Science
  29. Ethnic Studies
  30. Exploratory Studies
  31. Family and Consumer Sciences
  32. Fermentation Science and Technology
  33. Fine Arts
  34. Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
  35. Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
  36. Geography
  37. Geology
  38. Health and Exercise Science
  39. History
  40. Horticulture
  41. Hospitality Management
  42. Human Development and Family Studies
  43. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
  44. Interior Architecture and Design
  45. International Studies
  46. Journalism and Media Communication
  47. Landscape Architecture
  48. Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
  49. Liberal Arts - Interdisciplinary
  50. Mathematics
  51. Mechanical Engineering
  52. Music
  53. Music Composition
  54. Music Education
  55. Music Performance
  56. Music Therapy
  57. Natural Resource Tourism
  58. Natural Resource Tourism/Global Tourism
  59. Natural Resources Management
  60. Natural Sciences
  61. Neuroscience
  62. Nutrition and Food Sciences
  63. Philosophy
  64. Physics
  65. Political Science
  66. Psychology
  67. Restoration Ecology
  68. Social Work
  69. Sociology
  70. Soil and Crop Sciences
  71. Statistics
  72. Theatre
  73. Watershed Science and Sustainability
  74. Women and Gender Studies
  75. Zoology

Colorado State University 碩士學位 (Graduate)






本科畢業 3.0 GPA (4.0 滿分)

IELTS 6.5 / TOEFL 80 (不接受 Duolingo)

部分專業需要 GRE or GMAT


  1. Animal Science
  2. Apparel and Merchandising , 需要 GRE (如果 GPA 低於 3.5)
  3. Applied Statistics, 需要 GRE
  4. Biological Science
  5. Biomanufacturing and Biotechnology
  6. Biomedical Sciences
  7. Business Administration MBA
  8. Chemistry
  9. Civil Engineering, 需要 GRE
  10. Communication Studies
  11. Computer Information Systems, 需要 GRE / GMAT
  12. Computer Science, 需要 GRE
  13. Construction Management, 需要 GRE
  14. Economics , 需要 GRE
  15. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, 需要 GRE
  16. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 需要 GRE
  17. English
  18. Environmental Health
  19. Finance, 需要 GRE / GMAT
  20. Fine Arts
  21. Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
  22. Geosciences
  23. Health and Exercise Science
  24. History
  25. Horticulture
  26. Journalism & Media Communication
  27. Languages, Literatures & Cultures
  28. Mathematics
  29. Mechanical Engineering
  30. Microbiology
  31. Music
  32. Natural Sciences
  33. Nutrition and Food Science
  34. Physics
  35. Political Science, 需要 GRE
  36. Psychology, 需要 GRE
  37. Public Health
  38. Social Work
  39. Soil and Crop Sciences
  40. Statistics, 需要 GRE
  41. Tourism Management
  42. Toxicology

Colorado State University 介紹影片

介紹Colorado State University 的學校特色和學習體驗

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