Adelphi University
Adelphi University 重點
學位, 碩士, 碩士預備課程, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
紐約 New York City, NY
位於 Garden City 距離紐約市中心約 40 分鐘車程
Adelphi University 就業支援
- Adelphi University對學生的就業支援計劃除了得到American Association of University Administrators (AAUA) 認可,貢獻更反映到畢業生就業調查上,畢業生年薪居然高達8萬美元!97%畢業前已經有全職工作邀約。Adelphi University的全方位Prep For Success就業計劃,有三種方法裝備學生學習找第一份工作,期間更有輔導老師提供方向指導、操練面試及評估求職信。
Adelphi University 工程
- 3年Adelphi University + 2年Columbia University(常春藤大學),有2個工程學位
Adelphi University STEM
- 文科: Communications, Journalism & PR, Media Studies, Digital Production & Cinema Studies, Environmental Studies
- 理科:Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Health Science, Information Systems, Math, Neuroscience, Physics, Statistics
Adelphi University 學位&國際大一課程
國際大一(International Year 1)讓英文或成績稍遜的同學,一樣可以如期4年畢業
Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
1. Accounting
2. Business
3. Economics
4. Finance (BSB)
5. Management
6. Marketing
College of Arts and Sciences
1. Anthropology
2. Art and Design Education (需要作品集/面試)
3. Art History (需要作品集/面試)
4. Biochemistry - STEM designated*
5. Biology - STEM designated*
6. Chemistry - STEM designated*
7. Communications - STEM designated*
8. Computer Science - STEM designated*
9. Criminal Justice
10. Dance
11. Digital Production and Cinema Studies
12. English
13. Environmental Science - STEM designated*
14. Environmental Studies - STEM designated*
15. Fine Arts
–Art History
–Visual Arts
16. Graphic Design (需要作品集/面試)
17. History
18. Information Systems - STEM designated*
19. Interdisciplinary Studies
20. International Studies
21. Languages, Literature and Cultures
22. Latin American Studies
23. Mathematics - STEM designated*
24. Media Studies
–Visual Media Option
25. Philosophy
26. Physics - STEM designated*
27. Political Science
28. Sociology
29. Statistics - STEM designated*
30. Studio Art
31. Theatre Arts (需要作品集/面試)
–Design Technology
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
1. Neuroscience - STEM designated*
–Cognitive Neuroscience
–Molecular Neuroscience
2. Psychology
College of Education and Health Sciences
1. Communication Disorders
2. Exercise Science
3. Physical and Health Education
4. Physical Education
5. Sport Management
School of Social Work
Social Work
Adelphi University 碩士&Pre master課程
為入讀Adelphi U碩士學位提供了三種簡易入學途徑,課程包括學科專業英語在內的多種輔導支持;
Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
1. MBA in Global Business Management (Global MBA)
–Adelphi Manhattan Center (為期 18 個月)
2. MBA in Management (MBA)
3. MSc in Business Analytics - STEM designated*
4. MSc in Supply Chain Management (MS) - STEM designated*
College of Arts and Sciences
1. Applied Mathematics and Statistics (MS) - STEM designated*
2. Biology (MS) - STEM designated*
3. Computer Science (MS) - STEM designated*
4. Creative Writing (MFA)
5. Environmental Studies (MS) - STEM designated*
College of Nursing and Public Health
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
General Psychology (MA)
College of Education and Health Sciences
1. Childhood Special Education Studies (MS)(Non-Certification)
2. Community Health Promotion (MA)
3. Exercise Science (MS) - STEM designated*
4. Physical Education (MA) (Non-Certification)
5. Sport Management (MS)
6. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA) (Non-Certification)
School of Social Work
Master of Social Work (MSW)