The Quarry Lane School
International Baccalaureate (IB), 中學課程
Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
The Quarry Lane School 學校特色
- 畢業生成績優異,100%畢業生獲得大學取錄,不少學生獲得美國及國際頂尖大學取錄,當中包括:University of California: Berkeley,University of Southern California,Stanford University,University of Manchester 及University of Nottingham等
- 畢業生獲得超過600萬的Merit Scholarship,獲得超過182項由全美頭50所大學發出的大學錄取通知
- 師資優良:70%的教師擁有碩士或以上的學歷資格,師生比為1:7,平均每班有學生12-26人,小班教學,確保教學質素同時令每位學生的學習需要得到適切的輔助。
- 教學方式:上課方式以Harkness methodology形式進行,即所有學生會坐在大圓桌上,與其他同學及教師一同面對面進行討論及交流,增加上課時的互動性,容許學生發表不同的個人見解,培育學生的多角度思考及分析能力,並主動發問及互相學習。
- 課程選擇多樣性:學校提供20 AP課程、25 IB課程及18 Honors課程
- 預科生支援:學校提供不同類型的支援服務以協助學生進行生涯規劃及獲得其第一志願大學取錄,當中包括每年舉辦書院及大學參觀活動、College Fairs及提供大學申請咨詢及定期安排學生與輔導員會面。
- 學生來自36個國家,提供多元化的學習環境
The Quarry Lane School AP選科
AP English Language & Composition
AP English Literature& Composition
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistic
AP Calculus BC
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Computer Science Principle
AP U.S History
AP European History
AP 2-D Art and Design
AP Chinese Languages and Cultures
AP Psychology
IB 選科
IB English Year 1 SL/HL - GRADE 11
IB English Year 2 SL/HL - GRADE 12
IB MATH: Analysis And Approaches SL/HL - GRADES 11-12
IB Chemistry HL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Biology HL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Environmental System And Studies SL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Physics HL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Astronomy SL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Computer Science SL - GRADES 11-12
IB Computer Science HL - GRADES 11-12
IB Design Technology SL - GRADES 11-12
IB Design Technology HL - GRADES 11-12
IB History of the Americas, HL 1&2 -GRADES 11-12
IB Psychology SL/HL - GRADES 11-12
IB Economics SL - GRADES 11-12
IB Economics HL - GRADES 11-12
IB Environmental Systems and Studies SL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Music SL 1 - GRADES 11-12
IB Music SL 2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Mandarin AB Initio 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Mandarin SL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Mandarin HL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Spanish HL 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
IB Spanish AB Initio 1&2 - GRADES 11-12
The Quarry Lane School 課外活動
運動項目:Basketball-Girls/Boys, Soccer-Girls/Boys, Volleyball-Boys/Girls, Co-Ed Cross Country, Co-Ed Track & Field
音樂及藝術活動:Theatre, Winter Arts Festival, Spring Art Stroll, Dance program,
學會及社團:Alice Rose Magazine、American Heart Club、ARK Club、Art Club、Asian Culture Club、Baking Club、Business/Stock Market Club、Cancer Free Zone Club、Care Club、CA Scholarship Federation、Chess Club、Cougar Choir、Cougars in Action (community service)、Creative Writing Club、Dance Club (MS)、DECA、Engineering Club、Environmental Club、ESL Tutoring、Excursion Club、Fashion & Design Club、French Club、Gay-Straight Alliance、Glee Club、Harvard Model Congress (HS Only)、Jazz Band、Journalism Club、Key Club、Mandarin Tutoring Club、Mastane Bollywood Club、Math Club、Math Tutoring Club、National Honor Society (HS Only)、Philosophy Club、Photography Club、Ping Pong Club、Poetry Club、Politics Club、QLS/MIT Launch Club、Red Cross Club、Robotics Team、Rock Band Club、School Beautification Club、Science Bowl、Science Club (MS)、Science Olympiad、Self Defense Club、Spanish Club、Speech & Debate、Stage & Set Design Club、Student Council、Team HBV、TED Talk Club、Tennis Club、Theatre Troupe、US-International Student Alliance