Western Sydney University
學位, 碩士, 1年大學預科 Foundation, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
7 mins drive
Western Sydney University 亮點
- QS World University Rankings 排名 Top 400 以内 (Top 2%)
- 學生人數:33,026(國際生:7,217)
- Western Sydney University學費
- Western Sydney University排名
Western Sydney University 學位
要求成績 HKDSE best 5: 15 or above; IB: 24 or above
- Accounting
- Architectural Design
- Arts: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Building Design Management: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Business: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Communication: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Computer Science
- Construction Management (Honours)
- Construction Technology: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Creative Industries: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Criminal and Community Justice
- Criminology
- Cyber Security and Behaviour
- Design and Technology
- Engineering (Honours): 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Engineering Science
- Entrepreneurship (Games Design & Simulation): Foundation
- Graphic Design: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Health Science (Health & Physical Education): 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Health Science (Health Promotion)
- Humanitarian & Development Studies
- Industrial Design
- Information & Communications Technology: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Information Systems: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Languages and Linguistics
- Nursing*
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy*
- Planning (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning)
- Policing: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Primary Education: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Psychology*
- Screen Media (Arts & Production): 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
- Social Work*
- Speech Pathology
- Sport Development
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Visual Communication: 大學為中六成績稍遜同學設1年Diploma,完成升Year 2
Western Sydney University 碩士
- Urban Management and Planning
- Architecture (Urban Transformation)
- Project Management
- Professional Accounting
- Professional Accounting (Advanced)
- Applied Finance
- Business Administration
- Business (operations Management)
- Property Investment and Development
- Human Resources Management
- Finance
- Management
- Planning
- Business Analytics
- Marketing
- Teaching (Birth-5 years/ Birth - 12 years)
- Teaching (Primary/ Secondary/ Secondary - STEM
- Engineering
- Applied Neuromorphic Engineering
- Chinese Medicine
- Health Science (Health Services Management)
- Nursing
- Nursing (Professional Studies)
- Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Social Work (Qualifying)
- Health Science: Occupation Health and Safety/ Digital Health
- Science (Food Science)
- Data Science
- Information and Communication Technology
- Information and Communication Technology (Advanced)
- Artificial Intelligence
Language & Art
- Interpreting and Translation
- Arts (TESOL)
- Arts in Literature and Creative Writing
- Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Translation and TESOL
- Art Therapy
- Creative Music Therapy
- Humanitarian and Development Studies
- Cross-Cultural Relations
- Global Security and Justice
- Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Clinical Psychology
- Professional Psychology
- Laws
- Construction Law