University of New England Australia
學位, 碩士, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
Armidale , NSW
10 mins drive
University of New England Australia 亮點
- 是一所具備區域性及全球聯網的大學,以其優質的學生體驗和卓越的研究而聞名
- 學生人數: 23,192 (國際生: 1,003)
- University of New England Australia學費
- University of New England Australia排名
University of New England Australia 學士
設有*主修代表同學可以以稍遜的分數或英文考上Diploma國際大一課程,完成1年課程後升讀該主修Year 2
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Bachelor of Agribusiness (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Bachelor of Agriculture*
- Bachelor of Animal Science
- Bachelor of Arts (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science*
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Computer Science (with Honours)*
- Bachelor of Criminology (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Digital Marketing
- Bachelor of Economics (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary Arts, Secondary STEM)
- Bachelor of Educational Studies
- Bachelor of Environmental Science *
- Bachelor of GeoScience
- Bachelor of Historical Inquiry and Practice
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of International and Language Studies
- Bachelor of International Studies (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Languages
- Bachelor of Laws (3 Years, 4 Years)
- Bachelor of Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Media and Communications (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Music with Honours
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours*
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Rural Science
- Bachelor of Scientific Studies *
- Bachelor of Social Science (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Special and Inclusive Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Sustainability
- Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
- Bachelor of Zoology*
University of New England Australia 碩士:
Animals and Agriculture
- Environmental Science and Management
- Science in Agriculture
Business and Finance
- Economics
- Professional Accounting
- Business administration
- Business administration (International)
- Business administration (Data and Cyber Management)
- Human Resource Management
Earth and Environment
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Education
- Teaching (Secondary)
- Scientific Studies
- Social Work (Qualifying)
- Public Health (One Health)
Humanities and Arts
- History
- Arts
- Applied Linguistics
- Economic and Regional Development
IT and Data Science
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science
- Computing Science
- Information Technology
- Cybersecurity and Computing Science
Law and Criminology
- Laws
Psychology and Mental Health
- Counselling
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience and Business
- Neuroscience and Education