Monash University
學位, 碩士, 1年大學預科 Foundation, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
Melbourne (2nd-most populous city in Australia)
23 mins drive
Monash University 亮點
- 澳洲八大之一
- M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies的唯一一間澳洲大學
- QS World University Rankings 排名 Top 60以内
- 海外經驗的絕佳選擇:
- 除了澳洲的 4 個校區(Clayton、Caulfield、Peninsula 和 Parkville),莫納什大學在馬來西亞設有海外校區,在意大利設有研究和教學中心,在印度、中國和印度尼西亞設有研究生院,在全球有100多家合作機構
- 學生人數: 56357 (國際生: 31022)
- Monash University學費
- Monash University排名
Monash University 學位
要求成績 DSE: 16 / IB: 25
- Business Administration: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Collaborative Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Communication Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Digital Media & Communication: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Fine Art: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Health Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Health Science+Social Work: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Industrial Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Music: 另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Nursing: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Paramedicine: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Psychology & Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Public Health: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Social Science (Anthropology, Criminology, Human Geography, Politics, International Relations, and Sociology): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Spatial Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
要求成績 DSE: 17 / IB: 26
- Architectural Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Education (Early Childhood and Primary Education)
- Education (Early Childhood & Primary, Primary & Secondary, Primary & Secondary Health & Physical Education, Primary & Secondary Inclusive Education, Primary / Secondary Education + Arts / Business / Fine Arts / Music / Science, Secondary + Health & Physical Education)
- Education (Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education)
- Education (Primary and Secondary Inclusive Education)
- Education (Primary Education)
- Education (Secondary Health and Physical Education)
- Food science and technology: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Human Nutrition: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Information Technology: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Medical Bioscience: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Nutrition Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績 DSE: 18 / IB: 28-29
- Accounting: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Applied Data Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Art History and Curating: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Arts (Anthropology, Archaeology, Behavioral Studies, Bioethics, Chinese Studies, Communications & Media, Criminology, Critical Performance Studies, Economics, European Languages, Film and Screen Studies, Gender Studies, Global Asia, Health Humanities, History, Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Human Geography, Human Rights, Indigenous Cultures, Indonesian Studies, International Relations, International Studies, Japanese Studies, Jewish Studies, Journalism, Korean Studies, Linguistics & English, Literary Studies, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Sociology): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Banking and Finance: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Computer Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Computer Science in Data Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Criminology: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- International Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- International Relations: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Marketing: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Media Communication: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Occupational Therapy (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Pharmaceutical Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Radiation Sciences (Informatics): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
要求成績 DSE: 19 / IB: 30
- Global Studies: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Nursing and Midwifery Studies: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Psychology (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績 DSE: 20 / IB: 31
- Actuarial Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Aerospace Engineering: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Biomedical Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Chemical Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Civil Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Commerce: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Economics: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Environmental Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Finance: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Materials Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Mechanical Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Software Engineering (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
要求成績 DSE: 21 / IB: 33
- Applied Data Science Advanced (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Biomedical Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Nursing (Scholars Program)
- Nutrition Science (Scholars Program)
- Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Pharmacy (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績 DSE: 22 / IB: 35
- Physiotherapy: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績 DSE: 23 / IB: 36
- Bachelor of Engineering / Master’s Accelerated Pathway
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Bachelor of Science Advanced – Research (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績 DSE: 25 / IB: 39
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Scholars Program)
- Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine: 設Foundation
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours) (Scholars Program)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) (Scholars Program) and Master of Pharmacy
Monash University 碩士
Art, Design and Architecture
- Architecture
- Design
- Urban Planning and Design
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Applied Linguistics
- Bioethics
- Communications and Media Studies
- Cultural and Creative Industries
- International Development Practice
- International Relations and Journalism
- International Relations
- International Sustainable Tourism Management
- Interpreting and Translation Studies
- Journalism
- Public Policy: Global Studies/ Policy Studies
- Strategic Communications Management
- Accounting
- Professional Accounting
- Professional Accounting and Business Law
- Actuarial Studies
- Advanced Finance
- Applied Econometrics
- Applied Marketing
- Banking and Finance
- Business
- Business Analytics
- Commerce
- Economics
- Global Business
- Management
- Regulation and Compliance
- Education: Digital learning/ Early childhood education/ General education studies/ Inclusive and special education/ Social justice/ STEM education.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Educational Leadership
- Counselling
- Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Professional Psychology
- Teaching: Early Childhood/ Early Childhood and Primary Education/ Primary/ Secondary/ Primary and Secondary
- Engineering: Biological engineering/ Civil engineering/ Electrical engineering/ Engineering management/ Materials engineering/ Mechanical engineering
- Professional Engineering: Chemical engineering/ Civil engineering/ Electrical engineering/ Materials engineering/ Mechanical engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Business Information Systems
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science
- Information Technology
- Laws: Commercial and corporate law/ Criminal law and forensics/ Dispute resolution/ Global society and human rights/ Health law and community/ Labour and employment law/ Public sector governance and regulation/ Technology and innovation/ Transnational economic regulation
- Legal Studies: Commercial and corporate law/ Criminal law and forensics/ Dispute resolution/ Global society and human rights/ Health law and community/ Labour and employment law/ Public sector governance and regulation/ Technology and innovation/ Transnational economic regulation
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
- Biomedical and Health Science
- Biotechnology
- Clinical Embryology
- Clinical Research: Clinical Research/ Translation Medicine
- Advanced Paramedic Practice
- Health Data Analytics
- Health Management
- Advanced Nursing
- Nursing Practice
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Occupational and Environmental Health
- Occupational Therapy Practice
- Public Health: Epidemiology/ Global and Planetary Health/ Health Economics/ Health Policy/ Health Promotion/ Public Health/ Research
- Radiation Therapy
- Social Work
- Technology Commercialization and Business
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Environment and Sustainability
- Financial Mathematics
- Food Science and Agribusiness
- Genome Analytics
- Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies
- Mathematics
- Science: Astrophysics/ Atmospheric science/ Earth science/ Physics