Griffith University
學位, 碩士, 1年大學預科 Foundation, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
14 hours drive
Griffith University 亮點
- QS World University Rankings 排名 Top 300 以内
- 6 個校區,橫跨 3 個主要城市(黃金海岸、洛根和布里斯班)
- 設 Griffith Mates,讓國際生有一個多元化的同伴支持網絡
- 學生人數:32,965(國際生:5,929)
- Griffith University學費
- Griffith University排名
Griffith University 學位
要求成績 HKDSE: 16, IB: 26
- Acting
- Advanced Business (Honours) : 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Advanced Politics & International Relations: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Advanced Tourism & Hotel: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Animation: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Architectural Design : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Arts
- Aviation
- Aviation Management : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Child & Family: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Communication and Journalism : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Computer Science : 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Construction Management (Honours)
- Counselling : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Criminology and Criminal Justice: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Design: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Design / Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Environmental Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Exercise Science : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Film and Screen Media Production : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Forensic Science : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Games Design
- Government and International Relations
- Health Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Human Services : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Industrial Design : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Information Technology : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Intelligent Digital Technologies
- International Tourism and Hotel Management : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Languages and Linguistics
- Marine Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Music
- Musical Theatre
- Nursing: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Pharmacology and Toxicology: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Political Science & International Relations: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Political science and international relations + criminology: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Psychological Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Public Health
- Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Science & Data Science: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Social Science
- Social Work: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Software Engineering: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Sport Development: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Urban Planning (Honours)
- Visual Arts: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
要求成績HKDSE: 17-19, IB: 28-32
- Biomedical Science : 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Education: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Engineering (Honours) Civil / Electronic / Electronic & Energy / Electronic & UAV, Electrical & Renewable Energy / Electrical & Electronic / Environmental / Mechatronics / Mechanical: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Engineering + Aviation: 為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Laws (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Law & Arts: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Law & Business: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Law & Criminology: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮,另為成績稍遜的中學畢業生設Diploma(國際大一課程),1年課程後,可以升讀此主修Year 2
- Law & Political Science and International Relations: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Law & Psychological Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Medical Laboratory Science: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Nutrition and Dietetics: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Pharmacy: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Psychology (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Science Advanced (Honours)
要求成績HKDSE: 20-21, IB: 33-36
- Dental Hygiene
- Dental Technology
- Dental Technology/Dental Prosthetics
- Occupational Therapy (Honours): 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
要求成績HKDSE: 23-24, IB: 37-39
- Dental Health Science
- Paramedicine: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Physiotherapy: 設Foundation,中五同學可以考慮
- Medical Science
Griffith University 碩士
Architecture, Construction and Planning
- Architecture
- Urban and Environmental Planning
Business and Government
- Professional Accounting
- Business
- Business Administration
- International Business
- International Business
- Public Administration
- International Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Finance
- Financial Planning
- Financial Technology
- Global Development
- Human Resources Management and Employment Relations
- International Relations
- Marketing
Criminology and Law
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- International Law
- International Law Studies
- Forensic Mental Health
- Education
- Autism Studies
- Primary Teaching
- Secondary Teaching
- Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Engineering, IT and Aviation
- Aviation Management
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering Advanced
- Engineering Project Management
- Engineering Project Management Advanced
- Electronic and Computer Engineering
- Electronic and Energy Engineering
- Electronic and Sport Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control
- Professional Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Information Systems and Information Technology Management
- Information Technology
Medicine, Dentistry and Health
- Dentistry
- Clinical Dentistry
- Health Services Management
- Advanced Health Services Management
- Human Services
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Suicidology
- Primary Maternity Care
- Advanced Nursing Practice
- Pharmacy
- Clinical Psychology
- Professional Psychology
- Professional Psychology
- Public Health
- Global Public Health
- Social Work
- Speech Pathology
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
Music and Performing Arts
- Music Studies
Science and Environment
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Catchment Science
- Environment
- Integrated Water Management
- Biotechnology
Visual and Creative Arts
- Design
- Screen Production
- Visual Arts