University of Alberta (International Year 1)@Alberta省
International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程)
Edmonton 愛民頓
距離Edmonton 愛民頓10 分鐘車程
University of Alberta (International Year 1) 課程
University of Alberta 位於愛民頓,其International Year 1 課程主要針對尚未達到學術入學要求直接入讀學位課程的學生。University of Alberta International Year 1為四年制學士學位課程的第一年,完成課程且GPA達到要求的學生將在該學位課程的第二年繼續學業。
學生將由文學院副院長Rebecca Nagel 博士的學術領導下完成International Year 1 課程
University of Alberta International Year 1對象及銜接
對象: DSE 3333 + IELTS 6.0 (每項5.5),入讀相等於大一的International Year 1, 保證入讀以下主修Year 2
Faculty of Arts(4.0滿分)- North Campus
- BA Ancient and Medieval Studies (GPA 2.00)
- BA Anthropology (GPA 2.00)
- BA Anthropology - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Art and Design (GPA 2.00)
- BA Classics (GPA 2.00)
- BA Classics - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Criminology (GPA 3.45)
- BA Drama (GPA 2.00)
- BA Drama - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA East Asian Studies (GPA 2.00)
- BA East Asian Studies - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Economics (GPA 2.25)
- BA Economics - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA English (GPA 2.00)
- BA English - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Environmental Studies (GPA 2.25)
- BA Film Studies (GPA 2.00)
- BA History (GPA 2.00)
- BA History - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA History of Art, Design and Visual Culture (GPA 2.00)
- BA History of Art, Design and Visual Culture - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Human Geography (GPA 2.00)
- BA Human Geography - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Linguistics (GPA 2.00)
- BA Linguistics - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Mathematics (GPA 2.00)
- BA Mathematics - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Media Studies (GPA 2.00)
- BA Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (GPA 2.00)
- BA Modern Languages and Cultural Studies - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Music (GPA 2.00)
- BA Music - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Philosophy (GPA 2.00)
- BA Philosophy - with Honors (GPA 3.25)
- BA Planning (GPA 3.15)
- BA Political Science GPA 2.00
- BA Political Science - with Honors GPA 3.25
- BA Psychology GPA 2.00
- BA Psychology - with Honors GPA 3.25
- BA Religious Studies GPA 2.00
- BA Religious Studies - with Honors GPA 3.25
- BA Science, Technology and Society GPA 2.00
- BA Sociology GPA 2.00
- BA Sociology - with Honors GPA 3.25
- BA Undeclared GPA 2.00
- BA Women's and Gender Studies GPA 2.00
- BA Women's and Gender Studies - with Honors GPA 3.25
Faculty of Arts (GPA 2.0)(4.0滿分)- Augustana Campus
- BA Creativity and Culture (Interdisciplinary)
- BA Ethics and Global Studies
- BA Law, Crime and Justice Studies (Interdisciplinary)
- BA Performance Based Pedagogy
- BA Physical Education
- BA Psychology and Mental Health
- BA Sustainability Studies
Faculty of Business (GPA 2.4)(4.0滿分)- North Campus
- BCom Accounting
- BCom Business Economics and Law
- BCom Business Studies
- BCom Business Technology Management
- BCom Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- BCom Finance
- BCom Human Resources Management
- BCom International Business
- BCom Marketing
- BCom Operations Management
- BCom Strategic Management and Organization
Faculty of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences (GPA 2.25) (4.0滿分) - North Campus
- BSc in Agricultural Business Management
- BSc in Agriculture
- BSc in Agriculture, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- BSc in Agriculture, Animal Science
- BSc in Agriculture, Crop Science
- BSc in Agriculture, Sustainable Agricultural Systems
- BSc in Animal Health, Companion and Performance Animals
- BSc in Animal Health, Food Animals
- BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Conservation Biology
- BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Environmental Economics and Policy
- BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Human Dimensions of Environmental Management
- BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Land Reclamation
- BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Wildlife and Rangeland Resources Management
- BA in Environmental Studies, Culture, Society and Peoples of Canada
- BA in Environmental Studies, Food and Society
- BA in Environmental Studies, Politics, Society, and the Global Environment
- BSc in Fashion Business Management
- BSc in Food Business Management
- BSc in Forest Business Management
- BSc in Forestry
- BSc in Human Ecology, Clothing, Textiles and Material Culture
- BSc in Human Ecology, Family Science
- BSc in Nutrition and Food Science, General Program
Faculty of Social Science (GPA 2.0)(4.0滿分) - Augustana Campus
- BMgt Management
Faculty of Science (4.0滿分) - North Campus
- BS Applied Mathematics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Astrophysics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Biochemistry (GPA 2.5)
- BS Biological Sciences (GPA 2.5)
- BS Cell Biology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Chemistry (GPA 2.5)
- BS Computing Science (GPA 2.6)
- BS Computing Science: Artificial Intelligence (GPA 2.6)
- BS Computing Science: Software Practice (GPA 2.6)
- BS Earth Sciences (GPA 2.3)
- BS Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Environmental Earth Sciences (GPA 2.3)
- BS Geology (GPA 2.3)
- BS Geophysics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Immunology and Infection (GPA 2.5)
- BS Integrative Physiology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Mathematical Physics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Mathematics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Mathematics and Economics (GPA 2.5)
- BS Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Paleontology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Pharmacology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Physics (GPA 2.3)
- BS Planning (Urban and Regional) (GPA 2.5)
- BS Psychology (GPA 2.5)
- BS Statistics (GPA 2.3)
Faculty of Science (GPA 2.0)(4.0滿分) - Augustana Campus
- BS Chemical and Physical Sciences
- BS Computing Science and Mathematics
- BS Environmental Science (Interdisciplinary)
- BS Integrative Biology
- BS Physical Education
University of Alberta (International Year 1) 跟University of Alberta 要求比較
University of Alberta 英文輔導班可以接受IELTS 3.5水平, 但直接考University of Alberta要IELTS 6.5,University of Alberta International College IELTS 6.0
University of Alberta 2月尾截止,若果DSE放榜後報名,要待翌年1月開學。
University of Alberta International Year 1 DSE放榜後報名,2天內有Offer,大機會趕到同年9月開學。
3) DSE成績要求
University of Alberta DSE 5科平均Level 4+高中成績,商科要求M1或M2, 以上理學院主修要求Bio + Chemistry + M1
University of Alberta International Year 1 DSE 333,商科免去M1或M2要求,理科則只要求數學、Bio或Chemistry其中兩科,無需M1