Fraser International College (FIC) @ BC省
Fraser International College (FIC) 重點
1年大學預科 Foundation, International Year 1、Diploma (國際大一課程), 副學士
溫哥華 Vancouver
Vancouver 溫哥華市中心30分鐘車程
Fraser International College (FIC)課程
Fraser International College (FIC)為加拿大大學Simon Fraser University (SFU)附屬學院,FIC有3000名學生,住及上課都在SFU裡面,FIC畢業生93%銜接SFU,根據省政府數據,FIC每年銜接SFU人數全省最多。
FIC收生對象為中五或中六學生,為他們提名UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)、Associate of Arts及UTP Stage 2課程。
- UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)有8科,選科按您想讀的UTP Stage 2課程及您本身的數學及Science背景跟您想讀的UTP Stage 2課程是否配合, UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)成績達GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),可以升讀UTP Stage 2 (等於SFU Year 1課程)。所以,中五去FICUTP Stage 1比起香港DSE會快一年畢業,歡迎參考:其他中五去溫哥華升學的方案
- UTP Stage 2 (等於SFU Year 1課程)有以下Pathway及升班要求
- Arts & Social Sciences (BA),UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修 Year 2 :
- Anthropology
- Applied Legal Studies
- Cognitive Science
- Criminology
- Economics
- English
- French
- French Cohort Program
- Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
- Gerontology
- Global Asia
- Global Humanities
- Graduate Liberal Studies
- Hellenic Studies
- History
- Indigenous Languages
- Indigenous Studies
- International Studies
- Labour Studies
- Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Policy
- Social Data Analytics
- Sociology
- Urban Studies
- World Languages & Literatures
- Business Administration (BBA) ,UTP Stage 2 GPA 3.2 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
- Accounting
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance
- Human Resource Management
- International Business
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Communication, Art & Technology (BA) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU Communication Year 2或Double Minor Program,或GPA 2.6 升讀Interative Arts & Technology Year 2
- Communication & Business (BA) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU Interactive Art & Technology + Business Minor Year 2
- Computing Science (BSC) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.75 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Computing Science dual degree (with Zhejiang University, China)
- Computing Systems
- Geographic Information Science
- Information Systems
- Programming Languages and Software
- Software Systems (major)
- Theoretical Computing Science
- Engineering Science (ENSC) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.75 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Engineering Physics
- System Engineering
- Mechatronic Systems Engineering
- Sustainable Energy Engineering
- Environment (BA) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU 以下主修Year 2:
- Archaeology (BA)
- Archaeology and Anthropology (joint major)
- Archaeology and First Nations Studies (joint major)
- Development and Sustainability (minor only)
- Human Geography (BA)
- Environment (BSc) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
- Development and Sustainability (minor only)
- Environmental Science (BSc)
- Applied Biology
- Environmental Earth Systems
- Environmetrics
- Water Science
- Geographic Information Systems (BSc, entry through Applied Sciences)
- Physical Geography (BSc)
- Biogeophysical Science Stream
- Geoscience Stream
- Physical Geography and Spatial Information Science Stream
- Environment (BENV) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
- Resource and Environmental Management (BEnv)
- Global Environmental Systems (BEnv)
- Sustainable Business (BEnv, entry through Environment or the Beedie School of Business, however, admission to Beedie is also required for this program)
- Health Sciences (BA)UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU Year 2 BA Health Science:
- Behavioral Sciences
- Health Education
- International Health
- Nutrition
- Public Health Program Management
- Development and Sustainability
- Bioethics
- Health Technology
- Mental Health and Addiction
- Global Health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Environmental Health and Toxicology
- Infectious Disease
- Health Sciences (BSC) UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.5 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU Year 2 BSc Health Science:
- Life Sciences Concentration
- Population and Quantitative Health Sciences Concentration
- Sciences (BSc)UTP Stage 2 GPA 2.75 (4.33分滿分),升讀SFU以下主修Year 2:
Fraser International College (FIC)要求
UTP Stage 1 (Foundation)要求:
- 中五4科合格+7%(即40%為合格分數,而4科平均分是47%或以上)
- 中六2科合格
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program)要求:
- IB 22
- DSE 4科12分
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) Computer Science Pathway要求:
- IB 24 + Math (HL) Level 4 + 1 science subject
- HKDSE 4科12分,但要包括數學 Level 4及1科理科
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program) Engineering Science或Science要求:
- IB 24 + Math (HL) Level 4, & 2科: Biology Level 4, Chemistry Level 3或Physics Level 3
- HKDSE 4科16分,包括:數學及其中2科生物 Level 3、物理 Level 2及化學 Level 2
UTP Stage 2 (UTP = University Transfer Program)Health Science(BSc)或Environmental Science(BSc)要求:
- IB 22 + Math (HL) Level 3 + 1 science subject
- HKDSE 4科12分,但要包括數學 Level 3及1科理科
Associate of Arts要求:
- IB 20
- DSE 4科10分,全部要合格
整體來說,FIC的DSE要求比SFU低一個Level,SFU一般要求level 4,至於中學選修科方面,以下比較直接考SFU及透過FIC升讀SFU主修的中學選修科分別:
- SFU 工程要求物理、化學及M2,FIC接受Biology+物理或化學、無需M2
- SFU Computer Science要求M2+物理、生物或化學;FIC無需M2
- SFU Visual art, Theatre, Dance, Film, Music & Sound要求作品集Portfolio,但FIC無需要
- SFUInteractive Arts & Technology需要M1,FIC無需要
- SFU Environmental Science, Geographic Information Science, Physical Geography需要M1,FIC無需要
- SFU商科要求M1, FIC無此要求
- SFUScience要求M1,FIC無此要求
FIC vs SFU 英文要求
SFU IELTS 6.5、Duolingo 125或TOEFL 88; 至於FIC,就算您只有IELTS 4.5、Duolingo 65 或TOEFL 40,都不會延遲畢業
FIC vs SFU截止申請日期
- 無Deposit 就不可以留Simon Fraser University (SFU)宿位,SFU宿位平、靚、正,每月收費連24/7任食才1,500加元一個月,您自己租一個一人單位都1,300-1,400加元,未計食!