- Computer Science需要M1 / M2
- Engineering需要M1 / M2 & Physics
- Geological Sciences需要M1 & Physics
- Nursing需要Biology
- 開學前一年提出申請,並考好IELTS 6.0或以上, Nursing Diploma的IELTS需要 7.0或以上。
- 如果無IELTS,可以聯絡萬威Maxway考英語評估,如英語不達標,同學可以在港線上學習,完成後,不用再考IELTS,直入超過80間加拿大學院(College)的Diploma。
覺得讀個加拿大Diploma都這麼多要求?看看加拿大大學 vs 加拿大College,了解2者的收生要求有什麼差別?您需要考慮哪一種課程?
加拿大 Diploma 學費
- 學費2.5萬加幣一年
- 一個2年加拿大Diploma課程需要7萬加幣,學費連食宿
- 若果您先加拿大Diploma移民,再用公民學費完成加拿大大學 Year 3&4, 成本比直接考加拿大大學平60%,成本、食宿,平絕英、澳!請參考:加拿大讀書移民費用
- 加拿大移民局規定,如果您想申請父母到加拿大團聚,他們都成為加拿大PR,您需要4萬加幣年薪,以下工種全部滿足到這個要求
- 按2年加拿大Diploma學費食宿7萬加幣計算,就算以下最低年薪的加拿大Diploma,都只需要1.5年全職工作就可以學費連食宿全部回本!
- 當然,選科以外,選課程都重要,有興趣可以看:4個加拿大Diploma心得,了解帶薪實習對您賺錢的長遠影響
最賺錢加拿大DIPLOMA課程 & 相應的加拿大DIPLOMA
Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator (平均年薪 $128,310加幣)
- Power Engineering
Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies (平均年薪 $74,248加幣)
- Aircraft Manufacturing
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention & Treatment Professions (平均年薪 $69,163加幣)
- Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions
- Athletic Training
- Cardiopulmonary Technology
- Cardiovascular Technology
- Electrocardiograph Technology
- Electroneurodiagnostic
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Genetic Therapy
- Medical Radiologic Technology
- Nuclear Medical Technology
- Perfusion Technology
- Physician Assistant
- Radiation Protection
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care Therapy
- Surgical Technology Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians (平均年薪$68,748加幣)
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technology
- Telecommunications Technology
Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians (平均年薪$64,910加幣)
- Mechanical engineering technology
Environmental, Mining & Petroleum & Other Engineering Technologies/Technicians
- Electronics Technology
- Geological Technology
- Hydrogeology or Groundwater Technology
- Metallurgical Technology
- Mineralogy
- Mining Engineering Technology
- Mining Technology
- Petroleum Engineering Technology
- Petroleum Technology
- Welding Technology
Civil Engineering Technology/Technician (平均年薪 $63,742加幣)
- Civil Engineering Technology
Drafting, Architecture, Surveying and Mapping Technologies/Technician
(平均年薪 $61,725加幣)
- Architectural Technology
Precision Metal Working and Production Trades (平均年薪 $58,691加幣)
- Welding
Security and Protective Services (平均年薪 $58,577加幣)
- Law and Security or Police Technology
Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians (平均年薪 $58,336加幣)
- Computer engineering
Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology (平均年薪 $58,104加幣)
- Computer engineering Technology
- Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technology
- Telecommunications Technology
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies (平均年薪 $57,045加幣)
- Automotive Service Technician
Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection (平均年薪 $56,072加幣)
- Architectural Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Construction
Forestry (平均年薪 $55,881加幣)
- Forestry Technology
- Renewable Resource
Natural Resources and Conservation (平均年薪 $54,925加幣)
- Environmental Conservation
- Renewable Resources Management
Computer Science (平均年薪$54,829加幣)
- Computer Science
- Network Administration
- Web Technology
Nursing (平均年薪$54,674加幣)
- Practical Nursing
Other Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services (平均年薪$53,926加幣)
- Computer Science
- Computer Programming
- Network Administration
Science Technologies/Technicians (平均年薪$53,177加幣)
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Microbiology
- Wildlife or Resource Management
- Chemistry
- Food Processing Technology
- Agronomy
- Arboriculture
- Horticulture
- Landscaping / Landscape design
- Landscape Technology
Construction Trades, General (平均年薪$52,676加幣)
- Carpentry
- Electrician
- Plumber
加拿大 Diploma 常見問題
- 歡迎了解:加拿大Diploma移民 - 邊個省最容易、最快?