University of Victoria @ BC省
University of Victoria重點
學位, 碩士, Top Up
Victoria 維多利亞
Victoria 維多利亞市中心10分鐘車程,可以坐內陸機或船到溫哥華
University of Victoria 特色
- University of Victoria排名:University of Victoria無醫學院,屬於中型加拿大大學,這類大學核心價值:為學生提供可以應付就業市場需求的課程,並把相關帶薪實習機會融合課程中,令國際畢業生搵工更有議價能力,跟當地人同工同酬。
電腦屬於加拿大大學最賺錢課程之一,University of Victoria電腦學位可以配以帶薪實習及配合其他學科,例如:音樂、心理學、地理、生物、Visual Arts、物理、數學、統計學,都是4年畢業,這是加拿大College課程做不到,同時又對畢業生就業有裨益的安排。雖然電腦主修一律需要M1,但萬威Maxway可以按同學選修科及成績有所安排。
- 音樂 + 電腦的主修:Acoustics、Music Manipulation、Recording Techniques、Sound Synthesis
- 地理 + 電腦的主修:Geographic Information Technology、Geomatics
- Visual Art + 電腦的主修:Gaming & Graphics
- 生物、數學 + 電腦的主修:Health Information System
- 如果純粹主修電腦,會有軟件開發、Communications & Network
University of Victoria工程學有: Biomedical、Civil、Computer、Electrical、Mechanical、Software Engineering學位,屬於加拿大大學最賺錢課程之一。University of Victoria 6個工程學系的畢業生都需要完成4個學期的帶薪實習,換句話說,所有畢業生都有16個月的工作經驗,平均薪金值1.5年國際學生學費!
- 對於有修讀M2、物理、化學,但成績沒有達到Level 4的同學,可以從BC College銜接1-2年學分。University of Victoria的某些工程主修,指定BC省學院,可以銜接2年學分,您會省出更多學費,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用。
- 如果欠M2、物理、化學任何一科,可能透過加拿大大學UTP (University Transfer Program)銜接University of Victoria 比起BC學院的Academic Upgrade高效率,唯數學都要達標。
- 如果同學透過BC College銜接University of Victoria工程學,而您於學院有做帶薪實習,學分可以帶到University of Victoria工程課程!
- Anthropology
- Applied Linguistics
- Art History and Visual Studies
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry and Chemistry
- Biology
- Biology and Earth Sciences
- Biology and Mathematics and Statistics
- Biology and Psychology
- Biomedical Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Chemistry
- Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Chemistry and Mathematics
- Chemistry and Ocean Sciences
- Chemistry for the Medical Sciences
- Child and Youth Care
- Civil Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Climate Science
- Commerce 有帶薪實習
- Computer Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Computer Science
- Computer Science and Health Information Science
- Computer Science and Mathematics
- Computer Science and Statistics
- Earth Sciences
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Engineering
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Financial Mathematics and Economics
- French and Francophone Studies
- Gender Studies
- Geography
- Geography and Computer Science (Geomatics)
- Germanic Studies
- Greek and Latin Language and Literature
- Greek and Roman Studies
- Health Information Science 有帶薪實習
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- Humanities (Undeclared)
- Intercultural Education
- Kinesiology
- Latin American Interdisciplinary Studies
- Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Law
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mechanical Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Medieval Studies
- Microbiology
- Microbiology and Chemistry
- Music and Computer Science
- Music (BA)
- Music (BMus)
- Nursing
- Pacific and Asian Studies
- Philosophy
- Physical and Health Education
- Physical Geography and Earth ad Ocean Sciences
- Physics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Physics and Biochemistry
- Physics and Computer Science
- Physics and Earth Sciences (Geophysics)
- Physics and Mathematics
- Physics and Ocean-Atmosphere Sciences
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Psychology and Computer Science
- Public Health
- Recreation and Health Education 有帶薪實習
- Religion, Culture and Society
- Science (Undeclared)
- Slavic Studies (Russian and Ukrainian)
- Social Sciences (Undeclared)
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Software Engineering 有帶薪實習
- Statistics
- Teacher Education: Elementary Curriculum (所有申請人必須持有申請人需要有75個小時幼兒園到中二的教學經驗,其中50小時需要進2年完成,並來自同一群體。教學體驗不能包括大專學院助教、幫同學補習或者嬰兒看護,但可以在小群體、於教會、興趣班、課室、夏令營、校隊等進行音樂、體育、宗教、知識、價值觀方面等教學或者組織文化交流活動。)
- Teacher Education: Elementary Curriculum (post-degree professional program)
- Teacher Education: Secondary Curriculum (post‑degree professional program)
- Theatre
- Visual Arts
- Visual Arts and Computer Science
- Writing
以下為University of Victoria 12到16 個月的碩士,其中有*的Master:
選擇University of Victoria本身都為您帶來額外BCPNP省提名10分!前後4年:加拿大Master + 加拿大PR完成! 加拿大Master移民
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (有帶薪實習, 需要 GMAT 或 GRE)
Master of Global Business (有帶薪實習)
Master of Engineering in Applied Data Science*
Master of Engineering in Biomedical Systems*
Master of Engineering in Industrial Ecology*
Master of Engineering in Telecommunications and Information Security*