University of Victoria @ BC省

University of Victoria重點


學位, 碩士, Top Up




Victoria 維多利亞


Victoria 維多利亞市中心10分鐘車程,可以坐內陸機或船到溫哥華





University of Victoria 特色

  • University of Victoria排名:University of Victoria無醫學院,屬於中型加拿大大學,這類大學核心價值:為學生提供可以應付就業市場需求的課程,並把相關帶薪實習機會融合課程中,令國際畢業生搵工更有議價能力,跟當地人同工同酬。
  • 加拿大Master移民:University of Victoria超過30個理工科Master符合BCPNP要求,只要完成課程,無需Job Offer,無年齡上限,無計分要求,就可以申請加拿大PR,您往下看會看到一些性價比奇高的加拿大Master(1年)
  • University of Victoria有很多主修只收30-70個學生,分數要求不低,唯它的課程一般有3個切入點:透過BCCollege、入讀University of Victoria大一再轉到心儀學系大二、最後當然是可以直接考心儀學系!



電腦屬於加拿大大學最賺錢課程之一,University of Victoria電腦學位可以配以帶薪實習及配合其他學科,例如:音樂、心理學、地理、生物、Visual Arts、物理、數學、統計學,都是4年畢業,這是加拿大College課程做不到,同時又對畢業生就業有裨益的安排。雖然電腦主修一律需要M1,但萬威Maxway可以按同學選修科及成績有所安排。


  • 音樂 + 電腦的主修:Acoustics、Music Manipulation、Recording Techniques、Sound Synthesis
  • 地理 + 電腦的主修:Geographic Information Technology、Geomatics
  • Visual Art + 電腦的主修:Gaming & Graphics
  • 生物、數學 + 電腦的主修:Health Information System
  • 如果純粹主修電腦,會有軟件開發、Communications & Network


University of Victoria工程學有: Biomedical、Civil、Computer、Electrical、Mechanical、Software Engineering學位,屬於加拿大大學最賺錢課程之一。University of Victoria 6個工程學系的畢業生都需要完成4個學期的帶薪實習,換句話說,所有畢業生都有16個月的工作經驗,平均薪金值1.5年國際學生學費!

  • 對於有修讀M2、物理、化學,但成績沒有達到Level 4的同學,可以從BC College銜接1-2年學分。University of Victoria的某些工程主修,指定BC省學院,可以銜接2年學分,您會省出更多學費,詳情:加拿大讀書移民費用
  • 如果欠M2、物理、化學任何一科,可能透過加拿大大學UTP (University Transfer Program)銜接University of Victoria 比起BC學院的Academic Upgrade高效率,唯數學都要達標。
  • 如果同學透過BC College銜接University of Victoria工程學,而您於學院有做帶薪實習,學分可以帶到University of Victoria工程課程!
  1. Anthropology
  2. Applied Linguistics
  3. Art History and Visual Studies
  4. Astronomy
  5. Biochemistry
  6. Biochemistry and Chemistry
  7. Biology
  8. Biology and Earth Sciences
  9. Biology and Mathematics and Statistics
  10. Biology and Psychology
  11. Biomedical Engineering 有帶薪實習
  12. Chemistry
  13. Chemistry and Earth Sciences
  14. Chemistry and Mathematics
  15. Chemistry and Ocean Sciences
  16. Chemistry for the Medical Sciences
  17. Child and Youth Care
  18. Civil Engineering 有帶薪實習
  19. Climate Science
  20. Commerce 有帶薪實習
  21. Computer Engineering 有帶薪實習
  22. Computer Science
  23. Computer Science and Health Information Science
  24. Computer Science and Mathematics
  25. Computer Science and Statistics
  26. Earth Sciences
  27. Economics
  28. Electrical Engineering 有帶薪實習
  29. Engineering
  30. English
  31. Environmental Studies
  32. Financial Mathematics and Economics
  33. French and Francophone Studies
  34. Gender Studies
  35. Geography
  36. Geography and Computer Science (Geomatics)
  37. Germanic Studies
  38. Greek and Latin Language and Literature
  39. Greek and Roman Studies
  40. Health Information Science 有帶薪實習
  41. Hispanic Studies
  42. History
  43. Humanities (Undeclared)
  44. Intercultural Education
  45. Kinesiology
  46. Latin American Interdisciplinary Studies
  47. Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies
  48. Law
  49. Linguistics
  50. Mathematics
  51. Mathematics and Statistics
  52. Mechanical Engineering 有帶薪實習
  53. Medieval Studies
  54. Microbiology
  55. Microbiology and Chemistry
  56. Music and Computer Science
  57. Music (BA)
  58. Music (BMus)
  59. Nursing
  60. Pacific and Asian Studies
  61. Philosophy
  62. Physical and Health Education
  63. Physical Geography and Earth ad Ocean Sciences
  64. Physics
  65. Physics and Astronomy
  66. Physics and Biochemistry
  67. Physics and Computer Science
  68. Physics and Earth Sciences (Geophysics)
  69. Physics and Mathematics
  70. Physics and Ocean-Atmosphere Sciences
  71. Political Science
  72. Psychology
  73. Psychology and Computer Science
  74. Public Health
  75. Recreation and Health Education 有帶薪實習
  76. Religion, Culture and Society
  77. Science (Undeclared)
  78. Slavic Studies (Russian and Ukrainian)
  79. Social Sciences (Undeclared)
  80. Social Work
  81. Sociology
  82. Software Engineering 有帶薪實習
  83. Statistics
  84. Teacher Education: Elementary Curriculum (所有申請人必須持有申請人需要有75個小時幼兒園到中二的教學經驗,其中50小時需要進2年完成,並來自同一群體。教學體驗不能包括大專學院助教、幫同學補習或者嬰兒看護,但可以在小群體、於教會、興趣班、課室、夏令營、校隊等進行音樂、體育、宗教、知識、價值觀方面等教學或者組織文化交流活動。)
  85. Teacher Education: Elementary Curriculum (post-degree professional program)
  86. Teacher Education: Secondary Curriculum (post‑degree professional program)
  87. Theatre
  88. Visual Arts
  89. Visual Arts and Computer Science
  90. Writing


以下為University of Victoria 12到16 個月的碩士,其中有*的Master:

選擇University of Victoria本身都為您帶來額外BCPNP省提名10分!前後4年:加拿大Master + 加拿大PR完成! 加拿大Master移民


Master of Business Administration (MBA) (有帶薪實習, 需要 GMAT 或 GRE)
Master of Global Business (有帶薪實習)
Master of Engineering in Applied Data Science*
Master of Engineering in Biomedical Systems*
Master of Engineering in Industrial Ecology*
Master of Engineering in Telecommunications and Information Security*

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