British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)@BC省
British Columbia Institute of Technology(BCIT)重點
學位, 碩士, 文憑
Vancouver 溫哥華
Vancouver 溫哥華市中心15分鐘車程
有興趣同學,畢業後工作一年,可以透過聯邦政府的Express Entry特快移民通道及省提名BCPNP,申請加拿大PR。
BCIT有Technology Entry,適合未有化學或物理中學選修科的同學,但又想修讀理工科,一個學期就可以完成要求。
Applied & Natural Sciences
1. Combined Honours in Biochemistry and Forensic Science
2. Ecological Restoration
3. Environmental Engineering
4. Environmental Public Health
5. Forensic Investigation (Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Option)
6. Geographic Information Systems
7. Geomatics
8. Honours in Biotechnology
9. Mining and Mineral Resource Engineering
Business & Media
1. Accounting
2. Business Administration
Computing & Information Technology
1. Applied Computer Science (Database Option)
2. Applied Computer Science (Games Development Option)
3. Applied Computer Science (Network Security Applications Development Option)
4. Forensic Investigation (Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Option)
5. Geographic Information Systems
1. Architectural Science
2. Civil Engineering
3. Construction Management
4. Environmental Engineering
5. Geographic Information Systems
6. Geomatics
7. Interior Design
8. Mining and Mineral Resource Engineering
Health Sciences
1. Environmental Public Health
2. Honours in Biotechnology
1. Interior Design
加拿大Diploma (2年)
BCIT有Technology Entry,適合未有化學或物理中學選修科的同學,但又想修讀理工科,一個學期就可以完成要求。
Applied & Natural Sciences- Biomedical Engineering Technology
- Chemical and Environmental Technology (Analytical Science Option)
- Chemical and Environmental Technology (Process Engineering Option)
- Fish, Wildlife and Recreation
- Food Technology
- Forest and Natural Areas Management
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geomatics Engineering Technology
- Industrial Network Cybersecurity
- Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology
Business & Media
- 3D Modeling, Art and Animation
- Accounting
- Broadcast and Online Journalism
- Business Information Technology Management
- Business Information Technology Management (Analytics Data Management Option)
- Business Information Technology Management (Artificial Intelligence Management Option)
- Business Information Technology Management (Enterprise Systems Management Option)
- Business Management
- Business Management - Advanced Diploma
- Business Operations Management
- Digital Design and Development
- Finance
- Financial Planning
- Full-Stack Web Development
- General Insurance and Risk Management
- Global Trade and Transportation Management
- Graphic Communications
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management (Advanced Placement – Degree/Diploma entry)
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Management (Digital Marketing and Brand Strategy Option)
- Marketing Management (Entrepreneurship Option)
- Marketing Management (Professional Real Estate Option)
- Marketing Management (Professional Sales Option)
- Marketing Management (Tourism Marketing and Sales Option)
- New Media Design and Web Development
- Professional Accounting
- Radio Arts and Entertainment
- Sustainable Business Leadership
- Technical Arts
- Television & Video Production
Computing & Information Technology
- 3D Modeling, Art and Animation
- Business Information Technology Management
- Business Information Technology Management (Analytics Data Management Option)
- Business Information Technology Management (Artificial Intelligence Management Option)
- Business Information Technology Management (Enterprise Systems Management Option)
- Computer Information Systems Administration
- Computer Information Technology
- Computer Systems Technology
- Digital Design and Development
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Telecommunications and Networks Option)
- Full-Stack Web Development
- Graphic Communications
- Industrial Network Cybersecurity
- New Media Design and Web Development
- Technical Arts
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category 'M' (Maintenance)
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘E’ (Electronics)
- Architectural and Building Technology
- Biomedical Engineering Technology
- Chemical and Environmental Technology (Analytical Science Option)
- Chemical and Environmental Technology (Process Engineering Option)
- Civil Engineering
- Digital Communications and Wireless Technologies
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Automation and Instrumentation Option)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Electrical Power and Industrial Control Option)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Telecommunications and Networks Option)
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geomatics Engineering Technology
- Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Technician
- Interior Design
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (Mechanical Design Option)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (Mechanical Manufacturing Option)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology (Mechanical Systems Option)
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology
- Power and Process Engineering
Health Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering Technology
- Food Technology
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category 'M' (Maintenance)
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category ‘E’ (Electronics)
- Airline and Flight Operations Commercial Pilot (Fixed-Wing)
- Airline and Flight Operations Commercial Pilot (Rotary-Wing)
- Automotive Service Technician and Operations
- Automotive Service Technician and Operations - Non-Co-op Option
- Aviation Management and Operations
- Digital Communications and Wireless Technologies
- Heavy Duty Truck Technology
- Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Technician
- Interior Design
Architectural and Building Technology
完成課程只需累積2年工作經驗,通過面試及Case study考試,已經可以成為加拿大工料測量師,此種測量師牌照跟香港測量師學會及Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyor有互認。另外,這個課程性價比高原因
- 加拿大只有少於10個課程可以畢業後免考試,只需累積工作經驗,就可以成為持牌工料測量師的課程
- BCIT學費是加拿大College水平,比加拿大大學、英國大學、澳洲大學平2.5倍,但出來工資大學畢業生工資,以Architectural and Building Technology Diploma為例,年薪夠您透過BCPNP省提名或者透過聯邦政府Express Entry特快移民通道,申請加拿大PR,然後提名父母到加拿大定居及以公民學費完成加拿大大學,學位成本比英國大學、澳洲學平50-60%:加拿大讀書移民費用
- BCIT的Geomatics是全加拿大少於10個課程可以免考試,只需累積最少2年工作經驗,通過面試,成為Land Surveyor,測量師為加拿大Diploma及加拿大大學最賺錢課程之一。
- Geomatics是其中一個以Diploma學費,可以換大學畢業生年薪的”神科”,作為持牌專業,起薪已經夠提名父母到加拿大定居。
- 同學完成Diploma,工作1年,申請Express Entry,得到加拿大PR,再以公民學費完成學位,成本比直接考加拿大大學平60%
有*的加拿大Master,讀完無需計分、無限年齡、無需Job offer,即可向BCPNP省提名申請加拿大PR,它們只適合理工科學位持有人,詳情:加拿大Master移民
Applied & Natural Sciences
1. Ecological Restoration
2. Smart Grid Systems and Technologies
Business & Media
1. Digital Media
Computing & Information Technology
1. Applied Computing
1. Building Engineering/Building Science *
2. Building Science 16個月*
3. Smart Grid Systems and Technologies