Rockway Mennonite Collegiate


Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12






Toronto 多倫多






  • 92%的畢業生升入包括多倫多大學在內的第一優先大學。在過去15年中,有21%的畢業生進入了以數學,電腦和工程學而聞名的滑鐵盧大學,名列世界前100名
  • 40年接待國際學生的經驗。國際學生輔導員提供全力支持並探訪寄宿家庭,以確保學生狀況良好;
  • 學校全年親自與每個寄宿家庭進行面談,視察每個家庭環境,並與寄宿家庭保持溝通。 寄宿家庭也必須獲得警察檢查,以確保沒有人有犯罪記錄;
  • 每月為國際學生組織不同的活動,包括參觀尼亞加拉瀑布,主題公園,過夜營等;
  • 提供學習資源中心,學術顧問和職業顧問
  • 跨文化經驗,包括前往德國,法國,哥斯達黎加等地的交流計劃



羅克威(Rockway)相信合唱音樂和音樂欣賞是全方位學習中必不可少的元素。 所有7至9年級的學生都必須參加音樂課; 7-8年級的學生有弦樂課;











This testimonial was written by her mother who is also a graduate of Rockway.

We sent our daughter Yoanna to Rockway for Grade 10 because I graduated from Rockway too! I was an international student to attend Rockway in '90s, hence I'm grateful to let my next generation also be a part of Rockway's family. I left Canada for a long while after graduation from university. At Rockway, the teachers are kind, helpful and they encourage students to reach their potential. The school provided a lot of resources and designed a suitable teaching strategy to support my child through some difficult times. This kind supportive approach really helped to build up her confidence, and helped her become a happy, independent learner. I would also highly recommend Rockway's homestay program. In the homestay program, my daughter lived with a Canadian family and this provided a good environment for her develop her personality and self management.

At last, we sincerely appreciate Ms. Jill Sauer and Mr. David Lobe. They are so kind, patient and responsive to provide great support to our family and guidance to our daughter at every moment when we have any questions on academic and personal issues. We also thank you Jill for arranging a mini birthday party for Yoanna in Dec 2022 to make this a memorable day for her at Rockway."

PAU Joanna 2023
Yoanna Pau - Class of 2023

This is a family testimonial written by Jeffrey’s parents:

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the incredible journey our son, Jeffrey Sung, has experienced during his time at Rockway. Coming all the way from Hong Kong, Jeffrey joined in grade 10 in 2020 and has grown immensely over the past three years. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Rockway has done an outstanding job of maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment. The school has balanced the health risks while ensuring a high-quality education. We appreciate the teaching and administrative staff for their dedication during these difficult times. The teachers at Rockway have been exceptional, creating a professional, caring, and patient environment. Their positivity and encouragement have greatly boosted Jeffrey’s confidence. Moreover, the close friendships with his classmates have made his time here truly enjoyable. Jeffrey’s involvement in the student council has allowed him to develop teamwork skills and contribute to the school community. We are grateful for the opportunities provided by Rockway to participate in student-driven initiatives.

Furthermore, we are immensely grateful to Janice and Tim, Jeffrey’s remarkable host family, for their unwavering support. They have embraced Jeffrey as part of their own family, creating a nurturing home away from home.

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate has not only provided an exceptional academic environment but has also fostered lifelong friendships and inspired personal growth. Jeffrey’s experiences at Rockway have helped him become a well-rounded individual, prepared to face the challenges of the future.

SUNG Jeffrey 2023
Jeffrey Sung - Class of 2023

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate介紹影片

由Rockway Mennonite Collegiate的教職員,家長和學生一同分享學校如何協助國際學生適應外國的學習環境並如何支持他們的多元發展

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