


Hong Kong University (香港大學) 10大神科

  1. Medicine [Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery MBBS]
  2. Global Business [Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management BBA (IBGM)]
  3. Dentistry [Bachelor of Dental Surgery]
  4. Biomedicine [Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences]
  5. Pharmacy [Bachelor of Pharmacy]
  6. Speech & Hearing [Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology]
  7. Science Education [Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science]
  8. Finance Tech [Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology]
  9. Surveying [Bachelor of Science in Surveying]
  10. Architecture [Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies]

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (香港科技大學)


Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學) 神科

  1. Artificial Intelligence [B.Eng. in Artificial Intelligence – Systems & Technologies (AISTN)]
  2. Medicine [Medicine (MBChB) Programme]
  3. Quant Fin & Risk [B.Sc. in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science]
  4. Data Science [B.Sc. in Computational Data Science (CDASN)]
  5. Math Education [BEd in Mathematics and Mathematics Education]
  6. Global Business [Global Business Studies (GBS)]
  7. Enrichment Mathematics
  8. Economics & Finance [B.Sc. in Global Economics and Finance]
  9. Computer Science & Engineering [B.Sc. in Computer Science (CSCIN)B.Eng. in Computer Engineering (CENGN)]
  10. Actuarial Studies [Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis (IFAA)]
  11. Biomedical Engineering [BEng in Biomedical Engineering]


  • 英國大學選科:有20多個專業門檻、考牌、出路及回流資料,它們都是英國、香港需要的專才,希望同學藉英國升學,建立香港、英國都有需求的事業。
  • 讀邊間英國大學同讀邊D科最賺錢本文按英國政府納稅數據歸納出最有“錢途”行業,跟香港家長認為有專業執照就有保障的結論有出入!另外,英國Russell Group大學比一般英國大學貴一倍,我們一直想知道Russell Group大學值得嗎?難度它們畢業生人工可以高一倍?想知就來看看…
  • 澳洲大學選科:雖然有澳洲避風港政策,香港學生讀完學位,不論科目、成績,住滿3-4年,就有澳洲PR,但我們一直認為,PR只是順便,年輕的學生選科時都必須考慮行業前景,本文結合20多個專業門檻、考牌及出路資料,它們都是澳洲政府中長期需要的專才,跟香港需要不謀而合,希望同學藉澳洲讀書,建立香港、澳洲都有需求的事業。
  • 加拿大Diploma最賺錢科目:Diploma成本,2年時間,讀完工作1年,申請加拿大PR,有PR再以公民學費完成餘下2年大學,甚至接父母到加拿大定居,有無得諗?
  • 加拿大大學最賺錢科目:加拿大大學早截止,高中成績及科目都有要求,要及早準備呀!
  • 神科無神Job:香港有D科收半神科分數但無神job,通常都是人力資源供應過盛造成,如果您了解過都想讀,可以了解相關行業的海外就業及發牌情況。
  • 文科出路:想做專業人士?
  • Master讀?香港自資Master 20-60萬,跟去海外升學有可比性,不如讀書順便移民?歡迎去片了解各種持牌專業回流及海外升學成本


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